Giving up on this game again - dealing with the netcode is more irritating than it is fun and had about as much as I can tolerate again. Short of it being down to the QoS on the BT modem not liking Dice games I really don't understand why it affects me worse than most people.
Its not related to the server - about 40% of the time for instance if I'm gunner in a vehicle and say the driver is facing forward and I engage someone running at us from behind - I'll get like say 5-6 shots/indicated hits, then the driver gets off what seems like 2 shots and I get an assist for say 22 damage (when I've clearly been engaging the hostile for a few seconds before the driver) and similar if I run into a room with the enemy all facing away from me - it is like by the time it has rolled all the player updates together it has discarded half of my shots as too old to be valid or something and maybe the last guy I was shooting at dies before I do.
Was fiddling with some stuff just now to try and bypass the modem as much as possible which seemed to relieve it a little so it could be the default QoS on the BT modem - unless I can confirm it don't really want to spend money replacing the modem unless I'm sure and its one of the ones where BT has removed the 2nd port and internal connection and covered them with glue gunk so I can't easily get into the control panel and disable the default upstream QoS.
@hazard won't be on tonight but no work for me either tomorrow so will be most of tomorrow if you're on
AH was giving us some crap today so I decided to give him a SMAW to the face.
Got asked if we wanted to do a friendly clan war sometime with (Wolf) lot.
This is there platoon
Anyone up for that, can be any size teams.
Edit wp hazard on that last game tonight.
Good rounds last night far better than the afternoon rounds, Slowly getting better in tanks.
We need air cover to put together a clan war team Ares_Topcat who invited us looks to be a competent jet pilot for instance. Maybe Sidewider and Roff could cover jet and heli if they were interested. The problem with clan wars is getting everyone you need together at the right time, and having an effective plan. It's not easy at all, ask Joe![]()
Not really to fussed about clan vs clan stuff, if we can get enough people together I will give it a go. However my skills in the jet ain't what they used to be as shown by those final stand maps on Saturday.
Mate, you did a hell of a lot better than I could!
I had a hour session in the test range yesterday with the helis, I was starting to get quite confident by the end, at least with rotating around ground targets and strafing them, also practiced landing on the building roof. However, being able to hit moving targets and especially heli pros is going to take a lot more practice, and unfortunately that can only be done in a real server.
Once you get your eye in hitting moving stuff is not that difficult as most of the time they are not trying to avoid getting hit as they don't know that you are there. The explosive filling in the rockets takes care of any close misses.
Best way to get experience in the Attack heli is to play Siege and Dawnbreaker. It's one thing to fly around on the test range but it a whole different game trying to weave in and out of building with people firing at you while looking out for ground targets and enemy helis.
I can join clan war if you need someone to drive mad jeep/quadbike/jetsky... otherwise useless
After that fail on Siege of Sanghai I smashed the chopper onto a crane, I doubt sidey will ever jump into my heli....cant blame him but the chopper on the other side was 67:0 so yeah rekt.
but the run on hangar with sidey was pretty good, he just need to scrape the rust off of the jets, but when together in heli we had some nice rounds, unfortunately about 20 people running stingers and ramming jets don't help the cause.