The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

If they're running stingers that gives me room to maneuver on the ground without the javelin/mbt LAW 'pros'

The nightmare scenario is a recon or two with SOFLAMs while the enemy engineers run SRAWs, then we're both screwed,

On that hangar you would have to not fly, NONSTOP lock on and the moment you fly up the jet is on you. I like flying but I just feel like I'm ruining others game by keeping the chopper in air while I am not a IIARTII:(
Vehicles are an interesting one. Ever since kiwi went across the pond, I've noticed that it's much harder gunning for him. The issue is not me vs the guy I'm trying to kill , but also where the vehicle actually is. Once you are in a vehicle, there's 3 people's ping to take into account, and it really sticks out because he's got a much higher ping than me if he's playing on a European server. In some rounds, it's me getting all the kills, and in others it's kiwi. I can adjust to it, but if I then jump out and get in a tank with squeeze for instance, I've got to re-adjust again. Sadly battlenonsense and symthic don't seem to cover these more complex latency issues.

I think the game doesn't correctly handle (as in actually bugged not just normal problems with trying to tie that stuff over the internet) very low latency when there are higher latency players in the mix and I'm more sensitive to it than typical - had a game just now where the game dropped from 64 to about 30 players and everyone was under 50ms ping and I was wrecking - every shot landing as expected - I went to like 17-0 then a couple of high latency players joined and it was back to inconsistent meh with the feeling as if a lot of my first shots weren't actually counting for anything and I quit at 20-15. I could literally tell when they joined by the change in the game feel.
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I think the game doesn't correctly handle (as in actually bugged not just normal problems with trying to tie that stuff over the internet) very low latency when there are higher latency players in the mix and I'm more sensitive to it than typical - had a game just now where the game dropped from 64 to about 30 players and everyone was under 50ms ping and I was wrecking - every shot landing as expected - I went to like 17-0 then a couple of high latency players joined and it was back to inconsistent meh with the feeling as if a lot of my first shots weren't actually counting for anything and I quit at 20-15. I could literally tell when they joined by the change in the game feel.

I usually dont pick any server that has over 35 ping on the server list... but I only rarely experience problems like you like one in 10 games
We need air cover to put together a clan war team Ares_Topcat who invited us looks to be a competent jet pilot for instance. Maybe Sidewider and Roff could cover jet and heli if they were interested. The problem with clan wars is getting everyone you need together at the right time, and having an effective plan. It's not easy at all, ask Joe ;)

Not sure why you ended up on the other team in that last game, I did set the squad that Valiant and I were in to public, but you got team switched. I think it was you who killed me the most if it's any consolation. :)

Yeah i know, but most of us are on most night's, i know we wouldnt have a plan, but would just need to work out who doing what, but then again it depends on what map's we going to be playing, could always try get afanatic, xonatic, or nexus.

Ares_Topcat said he/she going to have a chat with you on battlelog.

Yeah not sure why i got switched on the last round, i remember you killing me before the round ended as you had 4hp left on the lav and called you a ***** (female dog).

I be on in the next half hour or so.
Probably easiest to get Westie/Nexus to fly for us if they can be convinced to reinstall the game. We have good infy and tank/lav whores to hold our own against another similarly matched clan.

I'd be up for a friendly match. Needs to be either Sat/Sun night (GMT) for me.
I told Ares I'd mention it here, let's see if we can drum up enough interest. From experience though trying to get even willing people together at the same time for a friendly match can be a challenge.

I also said a few of us might pop in on their server at some point to make up numbers, but it's 2000 ticket server.

Lockers or metro is insane enough with 2000 tickets, but have you seen what maps like zavod look like at the end of a 2000 ticket round? No trees, no cover, can't sensibly drive a vehicle because of all the craters, etc. Not my cup of tea TBH.
Was on their server tonight for a bit 3200 tickets i was playing, had to leave it after 20mins, stu come on aswell, but didnt get the maa, so he told them the server was dog ****

When i spoke to him earlier, i asked whats maps and said any we like, i think we play best on rogue, dawnbreaker, hainan and lancang.
Guys,What is the Trick to taking down a Heli with lock on rockets?

No matter what i try,Always they just pop their flares,And by the time reloading and lock has done..his flares are ready to be popped again.

Lock on launchers feel useless in this battlefield,In 3 they were fine.
Guys,What is the Trick to taking down a Heli with lock on rockets?

No matter what i try,Always they just pop their flares,And by the time reloading and lock has done..his flares are ready to be popped again.

Lock on launchers feel useless in this battlefield,In 3 they were fine.

Keep the lock-on until the countermeasures have been deployed...wait for the weapon to lock back onto the aircraft and launch...
haha :D

Good games last night, seemed to keep it under wraps which was great!!

Yeah we did pretty well. :)

That Hanin resort was fun in the end. I was raging shortly after the start when it looked like we were going to be on the wrong end of a base rape.

"******* team, Well I'm just going to make sure we hold E and D whatever, lets see if I can get mvp and be on the losing team!"

After we used the LAV to clear both D and E several times, the enemy seemed not to want to go there anymore, and we started to push them back.

Helped the team get C back by parking the LAV where we could clear the inside, then onto the left flank , where the LAVs seemed to give up after we used a combination of TOWs, AP and your top repair work, leaving us a free run to B.

Hard work, but we got there, deserved our top 2 places TBH.

Guys,What is the Trick to taking down a Heli with lock on rockets?

No matter what i try,Always they just pop their flares,And by the time reloading and lock has done..his flares are ready to be popped again.

Lock on launchers feel useless in this battlefield,In 3 they were fine.

Wait until the heli is engaged by your heli or jet and pops his countermeasure, then fire. (feel free to annoy him in the meantime with constant locks)

Alternatively run as a team of 2 engineers, take it in turns to be the one who gets him to use his counter measures or the one who gets the hit. For best effect have a support player leave you an ammo box, so you can rinse and repeat.

For both, you ideally want to be around the center of the map, so there's barely anywhere the heli can get out of range, and all they can do is fly behind cover.

Having said all that, A top pilot will probably also be using the below radar perk and good at ground hugging, in which case your teams tanks or LAVs should have a pop at him.
After last night, genuinely looking forward to another few rounds :D

Well, as usual, I should be on tonight. Not sure where Squeeze, Smartka and Sidewinder are at the moment. MIA :(

Jamie and Valiant (and anyone else interested), you should join us on Discord if you can.
I will not come in unless you learn to type and read my name :D I just got some good build on Diablo and it literally swallowed my whole day yesterday. I will make and alarm clock for 1 hour of D3 to farm some stuff and then come hopefully....
Might be on for a few round tonight just wasn't feeling it last night played that round of hanin then gave up. I'll apologize now for my language when I'm on discord I'll end up swearing a lot and not realizing I'm doing it lol
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