ive ran over 10 BF4 servers for many years, after the team wanting to go pay to win i left however
if you do not want to seed your server with 3 others.
MUST go Offical preset & Set mp.experience to one of the presets. eg Vanilla only Conquest etc
If you change ticket ratio it becomes un-offical.
you can jerryrigg it though start it up on official & switch ticket rate after.
Either way, would never do it again unless i was doing it for testing
If you want it to Fill easily by itself
STARTUP.TXT - you only need these, rest will set them selves

vars.serverType OFFICAL
vars.mpExperience "CQCLASSIC"
turn off spectator, if you only bought 64 slots as this removes 2 slots.
technically you need to buy 66 slots because 2 are used by commander too.
in offical mode you cannot ban kick or move. if your in RANKED you will need to seed the server yourself with 3 friends+ & this can take anywhere uo to
3 hours work PER day