The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

I like whoever it was last night that told me I should fly because I was better - then went on to fly about twice as good as I do lol. Battlelog had helpfully reset my attack chopper loadout anyhow :|
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It makes the hit reg and physics on servers go potato. :p

Mostly ggs in the end last night. Nexus was right though, shouldn't have played silk road. :(

Must say, since coming back, the hit reg. definitely seems a lot more inconsistent now, last night was particularly bad I found.

And I TOLD YA!!!!!!!!!!!! :p

Nexus getting all excited right now


I've either drunk way too much sangria this morning or it looks like Potato and 1tap are back playing BF4.

I go away for 2 weeks and chaos reigns.

This always happens when you leave us! :p
Now I've just bought a new rig I've been able to move on from BF3. I'm downloading all the expansion packs right now. Looking forward to finally playing BF4.
Am I missing something really obvious but how do you change to another preset whilst in game? I can change my weapons but can't find my preset! I set up my presets in battle log.
Am I missing something really obvious but how do you change to another preset whilst in game? I can change my weapons but can't find my preset! I set up my presets in battle log.

Do you mean change between assault, engineer, support and recon?, They are the boxes at the top on the deploy screen. You have one saved loadout for each class which you set up in battlelog, but you can then change any of them before you deploy each time.
Didn't have time yesterday was at a BBQ, but I'm on this afternoon if anyone else is.

How on earth? :confused:

I'm currently ripping up the floorboards so my mate can sort all the electrics out so I started to rip some up last night and while moving some I managed to clip my monitor that I left on the wall covered up :( last time I try to do anything while drunk lol.

So got decide whether to get another dell u2515h as I really liked the monitor or get a ultrawide monitor this time but I can't afford to drop loads on one.
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