The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

I love flying around in a heli not that good though, more of an AA man myself...but it took me about 2 weeks overall to be able to get in it and fly it , and get a kill or two :), I just use the mousee and keybaord .

Well i've tried it, can fly a bit but that's it. When it comes to aiming i'm crap so i've given up. Might try it in the future.

Mouse and keyboard all the way for helicopters.
Not quite sure what you are saying - but BF4 hosting is largely shared hosting with multiple instances on the same hardware - there is no option for 3rd parties to do their own hosting :( (otherwise I'd run my own server as I can get good rates on some decent spec boxes).

Though I'm not the best judge of server quality as even on a good day the game runs like I'm on dialup despite 20ms ping and no packetloss, etc. but from the increased complaints of other players can see it is getting worse not just me feeling it.

Like this your own root server

So your not sharing hardware with other people.

Yeah now i know what you mean, just like a streaming pc.
yeah and just keep doing it until one gets to grips with the flying part itself , I like the Viper myself I find it gives a better /wider feild of view from inside the cockpit :)
I get the feeling people are inhibiting themselves from doing ok in helis by not believing in their ability to fly them rather than the actual realities - the implementation in BF4 is pretty arcadey with a lot of tolerance, especially with the gyrostab, for unintended input.
I get the feeling people are inhibiting themselves from doing ok in helis by not believing in their ability to fly them rather than the actual realities - the implementation in BF4 is pretty arcadey with a lot of tolerance, especially with the gyrostab, for unintended input.

I can fly helis now fairly well now, but aiming is an issue..
But who will accept it as never see any of the founders or leaders on ;)
I regularly check, the two pending when I last checked are already in too many platoons. TBH I'm not sure what's going to happen with the platoon as I think the new platoons beta is being extended from bf1 to bf4 and bfhl..

Should have been called BF Sniper
Checks stats. Sniper nope, shotgun plenty ;)
I was bored the other day and decided to install BF4 & all the expansions again (whilst severely underestimating how big of a game it was!)

I'm useless again but my god I forgot how fun it is! I've certainly missed a few guns ( Scout Elite, Scar H DMR and the Mtar carbine)
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