The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

I wanted to play golmud lol. Now I dont :(.

Nah definitly didn't load this time and it's a new ban started today.

O josh looks like you're missed on the EA server couple of lvl guys asking where you were.

I didn't do it, I found it like that, it wasn't me.

Wonder who that could have been.

Might be about for some BF4 tonight.

Modders: kiwidog and nofate (I think Hattiwatti also, the same guy who made the cinematic tools used in BF4 today) and others took on the challenge to mod BF3 back in 2012.

They introduced their own client separated from Blaze and included features like spectator mode, colour filter removal, visual supression removal, unlock DICE specific weapons and camos and now HUF (High Frequency Updates) etc.

I can't remember the exact ins and outs of the changes/features they wanted to make to BF3 and what their goal was since it was such a long time ago but I think they had the potential to move flag locations and even open out of bound areas, remove audio spot etc.
If you can get premium cheap I think it's worth it. Priority queuing for servers, all the DLC (And personally although I think a lot of the DLC maps are rubbish, there are a few gems here and there), Also access to the CTE. I've had over 800hours from my premium which I bought at full price, so that works out at less than 12.5p / hour.

i brought final stand so i just play that for a bit then move to hardline soon, so far i only got around 20 hours so still starting off
Modders: kiwidog and nofate (I think Hattiwatti also, the same guy who made the cinematic tools used in BF4 today) and others took on the challenge to mod BF3 back in 2012.

They introduced their own client separated from Blaze and included features like spectator mode, colour filter removal, visual supression removal, unlock DICE specific weapons and camos and now HUF (High Frequency Updates) etc.

I can't remember the exact ins and outs of the changes/features they wanted to make to BF3 and what their goal was since it was such a long time ago but I think they had the potential to move flag locations and even open out of bound areas, remove audio spot etc.

The original BF4 tools came from my copy of BF4 which I had to upload the night it came out. Can always ask Hattiwatti any questions people have ;)
You're reading it right, 120hz tick rate servers in cte update

The game still feels horrid at a low level - I went back and played some classic FPS games for a bit back when I last posted in this thread a few months back and just couldn't get back into BF4 having a side by side comparison I realised just how bad it really is.
I refuse to change my name it's epic! Thus I just won't play on that server again.

No other server does this when running metabans so it's something they've added.

Wonder if they will accept my code change of if ignore :D.
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