The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015


Original I know lol. Anarchy UK banned me so its defs not just MSHV :( lol.

So stupid.

Edit: yay anarchy have unbanned me. Love how quick that was.
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no problem please join anarchy UK again, any problems JUST contact me on the this or Anarchy Forums :)

i knew about the name structure. so thats why i unbanned you.
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Thanks again mate :). When did that start? I'm in the top 200 on your server so I've clearly played on it before haha.

Damn metabans :( it feels wrong to have a 4 in my name lol.

Going to suggest to metabans they remove it in future. Wonder how that will go :D.
Ahhhh so your part of AUK, quick question - why do your admins hate me so much.

Think I've had 3/4 perma bans now! I wouldn't mind but at the time I was being good!
Ahhhh so your part of AUK, quick question - why do your admins hate me so much.

Think I've had 3/4 perma bans now! I wouldn't mind but at the time I was being good!

not sure, what is your orgin name? we have 4 pages of joshs that have played on our servers

everything on Anarchy UK is logged now days every [ i put this system in place in dec]
All chat messages

once i have your name i can track down who & why etc :)

regarding your name, it was banning body that done the ban not us. we just enforce what they suggest.
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Was the ban done through metabans plugin? Sorry just wanted to check.

I know the code but wanted to make sure I was whinging at the right people lol.

Thanks again :).

It's JOSH86 - odd thing was I got perma'd then unperma'd, was playing away for around 4hours with the OcUK lads, then out of nowhere got reperma'd, went on the TS and got myself unperma'd.

Can't remember who was in the TS but they seemed nice enough chaps.

Think I am currently unperma'd though.

I have my moments which is why I get the perma's, my mouth runs away with me sometimes :D
well you have no infractions with us since my system has been in place :)

we also went through an Admin cull. please join us again :)
nope your banned was wiped. when I joined anarchy UK in December
their was a fair bit of banning with no reason documented. anyone who had no reason was wiped. Now everything is logged.
I now run the website & forum & have tweaked both servers to be a lot less spammy

- Now Only Chat 1 chat messages are sent every 2 minutes
- I removed all Automated yell messages also.
- only tells you if players are joining when popular of the server is low.

your clear to come & hope you like the less spammy server :)
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Ah cool, thanks :D Will hopefully get on for some games next week.

I have had the server yell messages turned off since day 1 so I never got them popping up in the middle of my screen.
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