The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Mynight, 2:36 and 4:39..

I get a kill at 2:33. IIRC we won that round and I managed a defib on one of the other team :D

Might have to play some more CTE this evening!
I should have done £1 a month then recurring rather than lump sum :D.

you dont need to yours rolls over.. :) Smogsys infrastructure :)

every donation has a record of
player name
Time-stamp down to the second
how much
& updates donation %
then emails all Senior admins for reserved list. < want to automate this

edit i used your account to trial somthing, when you enter the server you should be shown to yourself & others A VIP joined the server :)
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Sweet should keep me going for a while :D.

Was wondering though why you're not running adsense on your forums. Obviously I don't know your traffic but it could potentially pay for the servers itself.
Back from travel on Friday so keen to get into some BF4 CTE. Hopefully they will have the 60hz tickrate servers back in.
Back from travel on Friday so keen to get into some BF4 CTE. Hopefully they will have the 60hz tickrate servers back in.

I'll be about tonight and over the weekend (Not Sat night). Want to get my 10 hour tag. (And see if I can slip into some more youtuber's vids ;) )
Beer festival on Friday though. :D
Looking for another test subject who's plays on anarchy server 2. I just want add you to a special group "VIP" in return you will get a reserved slot

I need to know
If you see welcome VIP user
If your reserved slot works correctly
Looking for another test subject who's plays on anarchy server 2. I just want add you to a special group "VIP" in return you will get a reserved slot

I need to know
If you see welcome VIP user
If your reserved slot works correctly

I'm up for that! (Although I'm probably not playing until Sat now.)
Just purchased another GTX780 which should help with the frame dips I have been seeing lately. Should be on for some games this afternoon if anyone is around.
Game just crashes to desktop of late, as soon as the game loads. Hadn't played it in a while so assume it's a patch that fudged it.
Looking for another test subject who's plays on anarchy server 2. I just want add you to a special group "VIP" in return you will get a reserved slot

I need to know
If you see welcome VIP user
If your reserved slot works correctly

I'll be on tonight if that's of any use?
anyone thats interested in the reserved slot testing please qoute this with your EA solider name being case-sensitive & ill set it up tonight

thanks :)
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