The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015


Is this CTE only?

I cannot seem to get decent FPS on CTE. It hates my SLI

Either tbyeah or mynight was saying CTE ran badly for them too. It seems slick for me, but that may be due to GSYNC (It's running erratically for me too but I don't perceive it due to GSYNC). My other thought was that it could be CPU related and my hex core was helping me, but thought you had a Hex core too BadBoy.

I'll give it a try. Doesn't it happen with game updates? or do it automatically though?

It normally needs manual updating with pbsetup when they release a new one. Symptoms of an out of date pb version tend to be a black screen CTD shortly after connecting to a server.
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Yeah the 60hz feels nicer by far but the 120hz feels really laggy. Every movement seems jumpy rather than fluid.

However I was running a 13 ping with a 3930k and 7970ghz so I doubt it was anything to do with my system. Might be because I'm only on a 60hz monitor though :confused:.
Yeah the 60hz feels nicer by far but the 120hz feels really laggy. Every movement seems jumpy rather than fluid.

However I was running a 13 ping with a 3930k and 7970ghz so I doubt it was anything to do with my system. Might be because I'm only on a 60hz monitor though :confused:.

Didn't realise you had a 3930k as well. I'm going with GSYNC saving the day then. I did notice I did slightly better than normal on 60 and 120Hz servers.
Played on the 120hz 60 player servers yesterday, it was a rubberbanding stuttering mess. I did ask Tigger if the wave simulation was ran at a higher rate but never got a reply.
I'll be on BF3 like every other night :D
Either tbyeah or mynight was saying CTE ran badly for them too. It seems slick for me, but that may be due to GSYNC (It's running erratically for me too but I don't perceive it due to GSYNC). My other thought was that it could be CPU related and my hex core was helping me, but thought you had a Hex core too BadBoy.

Wasn't me, don't have it :p

Someone come on...
Yeah the 60hz feels nicer by far but the 120hz feels really laggy. Every movement seems jumpy rather than fluid.

However I was running a 13 ping with a 3930k and 7970ghz so I doubt it was anything to do with my system. Might be because I'm only on a 60hz monitor though :confused:.

You won't get the full benefit of 120hz if you're monitor is only 60hz. Explain in the video below from around 6.40 in.

I've been getting kicked from HL & CTE this evening, doing my head in. It would also seem you can't switch between the 2 without having to install the plugin every single frigging time :mad: :mad: :mad:
Some good games these last few nights. Though I always seem to get auto balanced to other side the round after I join on one of the OcUKers. Prob because OcUK squad usually full :).

Slowly crawling towards 3 K/D. Maybe by the time I hit 2000 hours I'll get there :).
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