The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

I'm pretty sure you were the only one to kill me that round lol. Well maybe one from asbo or smogsy.

I couldn't work out what flag to go for whenever we capped one and moved on your team started capping it back lol. So annoying.

How come you didn't join us on TS? It's been too long.
You had a decent round if I remember correctly anyway!

Didn't matter where I went, I ended up finding OcUK wherever :D I either died at the hand of Lockeh, or I killed you :p

I was on the phone so couldn't really jump on!
It was alright actually swapped to mg4 towards the end and people just starting running into my scope like lemmings off a cliff :D.

Lol locky was destroying me earlier on as well :(.

That's fair enough.
My god Chippy was playing BF4.

And I missed it! Back from my course now so should be about this weekend/week.
I'll be on tonight if that's of any use?

New updates for VIP's
- Reserved Slot - working
- Donors get announced as VIP members *in testing*
- Spambot Messages are not shown to Donors - working
- Map votes count as 2 votes rather than 1. - working

Slowly adding stuff, to make you feel happy
Good games last night, still trying to adjust to sniping but I did manage some drag shots, no scopes and kill that annoying sniper perched on the top tower near E flag on SoS. :p

Also Spring patch is looking good for next week. 5 new weapons and Gun Master. :D

BF4 Spring patch just passed certification with first parties. Expect release date announcement very soon

CTE Fixes

BF4 CTE:Moving icons on mini and big map stuttering often(really noticeable on high tick rate servers)is fixed now.Will be in next CTE patch
Yeh CTE only. I should have a second card tomorrow so will let you know if I get the same issues. Hazzard has SLI and I don't think he has any issues.

Not sure about CTE as I don't currently have it. But a second 780 should help very nicely with fps dropt. Iirc at 1920x1200 on max settings my minimum fps is around 90. Though ill be getting rid of the 780's soon, probably getting a 980ti.
Good games last night, still trying to adjust to sniping but I did manage some drag shots, no scopes and kill that annoying sniper perched on the top tower near E flag on SoS. :p

You should give CS-LR4 + 3.4X scope (I use PK-A) a try. I'm liking it, bullet goes fast and drop is really low. Wonder what my HS/KR with it is :). Edit: Only 50% headshots according to bf4stats, was hoping it was more :).
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Cool. 6.4 K/D on there, not too bad :).

Forgot you can just look in stats for each weapon on Battlelog anyway. Tells you total kills and headshots with each weapon.
Westie is this one of your clan mates - padyra?


He's on the Scan servers every other day and he's really good. Not managed to play in his squad yet so don't know what type of player he is except that he gets a load of kills and always gets mvp.

Edit - Just noticed another one Matya or something, not seen him before though.
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Changes to Anarchy Server 2
i was told we saw the same maps quite a lot on server 2. this was due to the map vote not actually been redefined for conquest.
i have now set this up
- Votemap [Server 2]
- Vote map choices from 7 to 4
- Randomness down to 2
- Open Voting time from 60 > 600 [10 Minutes]
- retell the user of voting options in chat from 300 > 90 seconds
What does this mean?
- this will give the players 3 maps they have not played & 4 they have recently played recently as the 4th option.
- this will give the players 3 maps they have not played & 1 they have recently played recently as the 4th option.
I'll probably be on this afternoon. Didn't notice any VIP related message on joining yesterday (Not that I deserve one!). Do I need to sign up on the Anarchy gaming web site?
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