The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Still waiting on the thread with all the pics.

It's coming, the front room is now finished, just need to assemble the sofa.

Tivo is up and working, the PC is at my mums safe and sound until I have the dining room (read man cave) done.

I have been authorised by the wife to have Marvel wallpaper and now allowed a dart board. That is tomorrows job!

Oh and BF4 is good (incase this counts a "off topic")
useless BT engineer ***** cant even install a phone line without ****ing up... *****s..

wont have any net until 2nd of sept now!¬
hit and miss with my eng. really friendly and understanding of where I wanted cables to go.

....but.... he did put put the modem connector with the wires mixed up the first time :p but was fine the second time...... fora while till I started getting connection drops and looked at it again and he had put it on poorly :p so a quick trip to maplin for some connector tools and a few bits incase I botch it up and boom. first time, got it right and secure. not had the issue since :D

want something done right.... do it yourself ;)
yea when i had infinity on my old house the guy was brilliant...

the guy i had yesterday looked no older then 20 all he had to do was run a line off the main box in my house to my room put a box on the end of it and that's it.. and he wasnt even BT engineer was a kellys engineer subcontractor.. the line rings when i phone from a mobile but zero dial tone from the house phone when i dial out!

thank **** my IRL mate is a BT dude so hes gonna come out maybe tomorrow if hes free to have a look..
What really impressed me with BT is that initially as you said I had a joe bloggs who knew enough to install - nothing else. However when I had issues, they sent out a guru who fixed an issue with the pair I had been on which would have been the root cause of the issues I had been having with bethere for the last year or so.

This is in London though so maybe it's different elsewhere but at the time I was very impressed. Other ISP's will seemingly do everything in their power to not send someone out.

I remember trying Virgin and after 2 weeks of congestion and crap loads of jitter I spoke to them and they said there was nothing they could do and I had to live with it so I got rid of it before the contract was binding. Virgin are total crap if you ask me.
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boooo!!!!! yeah I complained to virgin about their throttling policy they were trialling and should have let me know... half the people I spoke to didn't know what I was on about... and their counter argument to me wanting to go to plusnet which was cheaper and faster without caps was "they will throttle you, they're lying, upgrade you package for £15 more a month and get like +5mb upload (so 7 from 3mb :p ) and you'll get throttled less"

needless to say I'm still on plusnet enjoying my lack of throttling :D
had the same experience when I left for Sky Fibre unlimited.

Complete denial that anybody else was capable of offering an unthrottled unlimited internet connection, to the point of arguing with me and trying to bully me into staying.

Echo the comments about BT Infinity / Sky Fibre. Its been nothing but amazing for me. I think we've only had one drop of service in a year - and that was a major issue at the local exchange that took everything sky out for the afternoon.
ay! think the the close to 18 months I've been with plusnet now I've had a few drops. but usually fixed pretty quickly :D

also plusnet (and assume BT) do "traffic manage".... but it's the good kind! ;) normally if you're torrenting a game update or the like, it maximises you bandwidth and other things can suffer... VoIP/gaming/streaming... but it prioritises traffic on your line... so I'm getting pretty much full whack on the game update but I can still stream game and use TS as they have a higher priority :D

win win!

OT.... BF4izzle is the shizzle ;)
Was watching a squad mate climb some ladders from on the deploy screen. He got to the top and trapdoor was locked. I thought "aha, waste of time fool, back down you go". Bang bang bang, trapdoor opens... I think... "Oh".
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