The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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How to hax without getting banned - become an Exertus member.


In other news my new account got hack banned again except this time round I didn't run the software at all, I just played in the same style I had seen the aimbot use - short bursts, move from cover to cover etc. But no, banned anyway apparently because server admins whos servers I didn't even play on reported me (thanks MLG). :D

Off to buy another cd key, at only $25 a pop (thanks Mexico!) this is rather cheap!
I don't even....
Seems I got banned via BF4DB bans due to too many reports (thanks OCUK guys :D) but Fairfight cleared me so I can still play :)


BF4 is great and all that jazz


well on topic and so so
Wonder where he'll get attention from now. What's worse is telling people he wasn't hacking on his new account, it was pretty obvious he was going to.

Needs to step away from the PC and sort his life out.
inb4 mass suspensions for us due to off topic etc

I've ordered a CPU though and am very happy about it and it will let me play BF4 again on Saturday. Good.
He should be banned completely but it's not going to happen unfortunately. I'm fairly certain though that even if it did, there'd be a not-suspicious-at-all new addition to the BF4 thread posting equally as boring, attention seeking drivel.
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