The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Before we go back on topic (midnight is my reset time), I would just like to point out:

How much of an imbecile do you have to be, to claim to charge in USD when your "group" is called Overclockers United Kingdom? I mean really?

Who wants a rep/gunner bitch tomorrow, I feel like an easy return to the game.
Parcel Storm:

Take to the streets with a new level of close quarters hectic combat, as Final Stand DLC lands. Fight in the confined hallways of an inner city Post Office, complete with crashing delivery van Levolution.
Was fun to be back to server killing and the good old hackusations :D

Also new rule VR, once in a vehicle, no bailing!!!! :mad:

Sidewinder you do this sometimes!

"Come on let's take the heli", we get hit a bit and you quietly say "I'm out of that/I've bailed" as you jump out!

No! I live!

Sometimes (read: extremely rarely)!

Yes and the rest of the time you die and the helicopter is destroyed. As far as I am concerned it the reasonable thing to do.

Note I only do it when we are in a dive we can't pull out off, or I am fairly sure that the incoming missile is going to kill us.
I practically never bail anyway, I'd rather go down with the ship (unless it's like a jeep).

Even if I've got no flares, 10% health, missiles flying in, I'll try and get behind something or dodge them. Works fairly often tbh.
I practically never bail anyway, I'd rather go down with the ship (unless it's like a jeep).

So even if you know you are going to die you won't bail? 99/100 the helicopter explodes, I fail to see the issue.

Even if I've got no flares, 10% health, missiles flying in, I'll try and get behind something or dodge them. Works fairly often tbh.

If there is a chance that I can save the helicopter I will stay in. But as I said it depends on the situation. How can I get behind cover if there is no cover and how can I get out of a steep dive or flipped helicopter that is unrecoverable.
Well obviously if it's completely doomed then I'll jump, but it is rarely completely doomed unless the pilot has flown it into a really bad place.
Look, if you think I am a bad pilot just come out and accuse me.

Otherwise just stop trying to create and issue out of events that are very very few and far between, the only time I can remember it happening was with the LB on Zavod.

If it really bothers you that much then just don't fly with me as the pilot.
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and my view is that bailing out of a doomed helicopter / jet is not wrong as long as you are sure that it will not be re-crewed by the enemy team.
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