The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Battlefield 4 has the worst maps in the series. Far too much verticality. In fact it's the worst game in the series. Not thats it's a bad game (when they make it playable almost a year later). I do enjoy it sometimes. I just wish Danger close hadn't made it . I mean Dice LA.
Don't get me wrong, I do like it. I just think what with all the crap that's happened. well Even if they do "fix" it, For me it's still going to be the worst Battlefield game. The maps,..none of them are really ,.any good.
Battlefield 4 has the worst maps in the series. Far too much verticality. In fact it's the worst game in the series. Not thats it's a bad game (when they make it playable almost a year later). I do enjoy it sometimes. I just wish Danger close hadn't made it . I mean Dice LA.

Danger close are no longer a studio and Dice LA didn't make BF4. It was Stockholm and Visceral iirc.
Don't get me wrong, I do like it. I just think what with all the crap that's happened. well Even if they do "fix" it, For me it's still going to be the worst Battlefield game. The maps,..none of them are really ,.any good.

For me, the most enjoyable thing about this game is the social aspect. I have lots of fun playing with the gang.
for me it plays perfect cant remember last crash i had.

my ping is 9 or ten on euro servers. my reg is fine fps is fine.

play well only issue that bothers me is the collision i get on objects like walls and bricks and firing.

apart from that okay.

its no bfbc2 but fun.
For me, the most enjoyable thing about this game is the social aspect. I have lots of fun playing with the gang.

Massive +1 to that, I find I'm bored when I play on my own, but with everybody else it's enjoyable.

Been using tbyeah's technique with the sraw, I'm hitting a hell of a lot more than I was previously.
Battlefield 4 has the worst maps in the series. Far too much verticality. In fact it's the worst game in the series. Not thats it's a bad game (when they make it playable almost a year later). I do enjoy it sometimes. I just wish Danger close hadn't made it . I mean Dice LA.

Don't get me wrong, I do like it. I just think what with all the crap that's happened. well Even if they do "fix" it, For me it's still going to be the worst Battlefield game. The maps,..none of them are really ,.any good.

Very few really engaging stand out maps that make you want to come back and play them, vertical maps aren't bad but most of the BF4 ones have very bad disjointed verticality while not having enough horizontal scale either.

There is a lot I would like about the game but its let down by far too much half arsed shoddy work in some of the more basic mechanics. Which having unfortunately gone back and played 1-2 of the old classic that have the basics dead on its going to be quite awhile before I can play BF4 again - I'd kind of got dulled to how bad it was having played nothing but BF4 FPS game wise for a bit.
play well only issue that bothers me is the collision i get on objects like walls and bricks and firing.

Totally agree with this. I can't understand why I have to jump over pretty much everything. Operation Locker is bloody stupid when you have to jump over the invisible beds at D.

Compare it to real life, when I'm walking to the shop I don't have to jump over the kerb to get on the pavement!
The rooftops on maps like Siege don't serve any purpose other than to camp on and not help your team (other than C of course). They shouldn't be accessible by lift.

The reverse is true on Flood Zone; the ground level has no objectives in the centre of the map, it's completely pointless. It would be better if the flags were downstairs, and the benefit to controlling the rooftops was easy accessibility.

Going back to BF3, I do prefer the HUD of BF4 but this is probably just because I'm used to it. Also BF4 sounds a lot better, but basics like hit reg, maps, and other things are better in BF3.
think bf4 more suits a lower ping with netcode. on bf3 lol ive been on 200 ping servers and its been amazing.

find server to suit your hitreg if you cant adjust.then youll be loving it.

found a new one today for me best one yet.
You can do transparency in options, not sure about size though.

What I'd want more is that when you ADS, onscreen markers like objectives disappear so you can actually see (the one feature if like from COD).
Bf3 does seem much better for reg theese days. Though I'm hoping that the CTE changes appear in bf4 this month. Been playing it recently and its a totally different game. Possibly the smoothest running dice mp fps ever.
Lol at that zavod round there, some iron guy just kept trying to kill me, be it jihad quad, jihad heli or just rockets from across the map, he ended up with 14-41 lol, almost felt like letting him get the kill/destroy :D

Everyone has different playing styles, such is life. :)

E: I'm starting to come around to vehicles, slowly but surely!

With the current state of bf4, vehicles are the only fun thing imo. Once this patch lands though, hopefully BF 4 will be as good as bf 3 for infantry.......

Tbh I prefer infantry only modes in both bf3/4. Bfbc2 had much better balance with vehicles.

I loved infantry in bf 3 and bc 2, was mainly what I played. Most of my gameplay time in bf 3 was spent on CQ maps :o

I still do well as infantry in bf 4 but with the netcode, slow movement, amount of grenade spam, invisible textures/walls, poor map design, getting stuck on everything etc. it just simply isn't enjoyable imo. Also, the damn screen clutter......

TBH the vehicles were pretty OP in bc 2 especially that mini gun in the heli, remember the days going like 100+ kills and 0-3 deaths :D

BF 3 vehicles were stupidly OP, especially aircraft, largely why I didn't enjoy any of the maps.

I think BF 4 has the best vehicle balance so far (attack jet and aa need nerfed and attack heli needs a bit of a buff), the tanks and lavs are spot on imho. Also, helps that spotting is nerfed big time, in bf 3 it was easy pickings for jet and attack helis, just shoot at all the doritos and hope the insane splash damage kills them lol. A lot of the maps are well designed for infantry when it comes to dealing with vehicles, lots of cover, rooftops etc. that they can use.

It still amazes me how the beta of bf 4 ran far better (after the wonder patch) than vanilla/final version.
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BF4 attack heli is ok IMO, maybe a bit more maneuverable would be good but it's powerful as ever. Zunis, TOWs and TVs will chew through tanksike butter.
You can do transparency in options, not sure about size though.

What I'd want more is that when you ADS, onscreen markers like objectives disappear so you can actually see (the one feature if like from COD).

Yes, that's what I meant. I was confusing HUD with the stupidly oversized markers. It's like having a post-it note on my monitor.

Pictorial representation of nuisance flag markings.

Commander mode = pointless. UAV spam. Spotting I have noticed (even when no side has a commander)as soon as I shoot my gun I can see on the mini map half the enemy team knows where I am, and all swarm towards me.
Too many,."you were killed" moments^ commander
I can still have rounds when I feel god like then other rounds when it feels like I'm shooting blanks
Being stuck on objects.
A lot of the maps seem to have all the flags in the middle and nothing on the edge.
Most of the flags don't feels significant to the flow of the game(conquest)Flags too close together. I know this was an issue with BF3 also, but seems even worse in this.
Maybe that' s why I don't enjoy it as much as the others because I mainly play solo.
People keep going on about BF2 and Bad company 2. They had good maps. No stupid high sniping points from loads of directions. Flag points that made you want to defend them. They have tried to cram too much into the game and it hasn't worked.
I could go on and on. Shame cause I do have fun,..sometimes, And I am a BF fan boy.
With the current state of bf4, vehicles are the only fun thing imo. Once this patch lands though, hopefully BF 4 will be as good as bf 3 for infantry.......

It's clear everybody has very different experiences to be honest as my infantry play seems smooth and responsive the vast majority of the time. I am gradually becoming a tanker though. :D
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