Checked out your house thread Josh - the previous tenants were animals!
Had such a drama with my bloody key binds today when trying to use the chopper.
As I don't tend to use vehicles much, I cleared my F key binds and used them for other things on my mouse so when it came to switching seats to repair the chopper, I could switch to the passenger seat but not back to the gunner seat.
I've realised how unnecessarily complicated my controls were. I use MW Down for pistol and MW Up for main weapon, yet for some reason I used the Razer software to make the game think I was pressing F keys. I could have just used the actual MW Down & Up in the settings... I think I've sorted it!
Has the house been christened yet, Josh?
Stulid, give up bro. Your headset is as useful as a wheelie bin for communication.
Cheers for the games earlier guys. How I managed mvp on sunken dragon I don't know.