The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Not worried about the auto spot thingy. Cone is likely narrow and most likely has a limited range as well. Now if they could make it line of sight unlike the TUGS then I'd be happy. You should be spotting like crazy anyway.
Guess I will be dll CTE again then...

Looking at the youtube video it could be remotely deplyable like the mortar. Just seems like another COD inspired POS if you're asking me.

I'm sick of this more is more mentality. If they focused more on map design and solid community (CTE) play testing - (which would be a very nice addition to the premium package) then we would have a much better game. The UCAV, AC130, RAV etc add very little to the game and in some cases break it. I fully agree with lvlcap's views on what to take out of the game and the issues with map design.


Fed up with this game being designed around noobs now.

GTA 5, H1Z1 etc. can't come soon enough.
Guess I will be dll CTE again then...


Fed up with this game being designed around noobs now.

GTA 5, H1Z1 etc. can't come soon enough.

I wish there was a replacement for BF4 but sadly in this genre there isn't. I have failed to see a single game which excites me since BF4 was announced. Sadly I think I'll be waiting for some time before a decent, innovative FPS comes out.

Have I missed something?
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Unfortunately I am just bored of FPS's in general now, especially modern shooters.

But still, like you said, I don't think we have the choice of anything else.
I never played bf2142, but isn't carrier strike mode supposed to be the same thing in a different dress?

Carrier assault is a poor substitute. Titan attack had four 'MCOM's' that needed to be destroyed that were down some tight hallways before gaining access to the central core. Carrier assault has two MCOM's only that are fairly open and easily attacked and difficult to defend. There's also the mad dash from destroying the Titan core to escape before the whole Titan exploded that you don't get in Carrier Assault. It's very different and much worse for it.
Got to love CTE.....


I never played bf2142, but isn't carrier strike mode supposed to be the same thing in a different dress?

Never played it either but CA in this game = **** and the sole reason for that...


No aa or jets to keep it down and **** all cover for infantry, boats etc.

And then other things like the arming mcoms just becomes lockers v2 and those stupid doors....
Carrier assault can be fun *ducks from shoe being thrown* but only rarely.

it's good when the other team are clueless so when they carrier is ready to be breached, you and ya squaddies are rocking up in a boat, fly up the ramp and just get the Mcoms done while they are still running about the islands like headless chickens :p

but yeah.... apart from that glorious moment it's basically a giant pile of **** :p their entire team could all be camped up guarding the first mcom... then it's lockers spawn rape basically... you have to get allll the way over the map just to be killed....that is... if you even make it across, as most of the time the AC-130 will get on en-route, or there/s several boats and a heli just sitting around their base waiting to spam at anything resembling a player.

titan mode was epic! having usable turrets, ejection pods, being the base for the trans/atk choppers/hoverchoppers/whatevers :p fighting through the corridors to get to the core room and yeah... the frantic dash to GTFO of there once set hehe xD

they just took conquest and slapped some rush on the end of it. :(
Even if they do reintroduce titan mode though they could still crucify it by BF4ing it and upsetting the balance. I've not even played carrier assault yet, in fact I've got a whole 2hours invested in naval strike. :D

Got to love CTE.....

Hanger 21 is one of a new maps then. I'd be annoyed if it wasn't a locked server as I would oblige me to install CTE and play it now! I can't really fit both BF4 and CTE on my fastest SSD as it's my system drive as well (steam relegated to a larger vertex2).
wow....... only think I want from that are the snowcross thingys xD

hover tanks.... undoubtedly worse handling than normal tanks.... which is ****

rail gun, instagib cannon that locks on?!

flying drones..... got enough of those.....

what a bunch of meh :(
Just been on cte adjusting settings, have they changed the colour scheme or something, went on siege and it looked really different, less warm/yellow perhaps???

And here are all the maps:


Can't play though, private server :(


oh trailer up!

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