The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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TBH, after playing more, the game is worse "overall" now imo, things I don't like:

- spotting, the triangles have a weird faded sort of look, just doesn't look right

I quite liked the spotting, it's less wall hack now. There seems to be a special one, is that the squad leader or last man in a squad or something?

I was perfectly happy with the SLAMS damage before, the only thing I wanted them to fix was the spotting and the way they sometimes seem to sink into the textures so also being invisible to the eye.

The invisible SLAM was a bit unfair TBH.
The only Ui options I have touched is the mini map stuff. I have just made it bigger.

I might also have a play around with the throttle setting for jets. I wonder if I can set the throttle to fly at a steady 310 for dogfighting.

U would still lose even with 310.. All about 313.
The AWS seems to be even more of a beast after the patch. I do seem top be dropping people much faster.

My performance is down a bit, but I had to update my BIOS and lost the original overclock settings so it may just be that for me (Got my 4.4GHz back but memory only running at XMS settings of 1833.). Getting >110fps at 1440p with everything on full but no AA. Not getting the crashes I was getting when I installed my 970s now. (RIVE owners should update their BIOS my 970s only ran at gen1 PCIe initially).

Grenades take for ever to restock now.

I hope you can still take out a tank with 3 SLAMS, or do they now need to be on the top or the back?

Movement does seem slower.

So close to **** bucket rank now.

I'm assuming it's going to go up to 150 soonish :eek:
Had a few good games of Domination where I wasn't rubber banding and the reg and movement felt good. Like in the CTE being able to move quicker sure helps you get out of dodge.

Would be nice if I could some how make the enemy doritos more viable when zoomed. I find with the new changes I kept second guessing myself between friend and foe.
313?!? Why didn't you tell me this sooner!? Been using 310 all this time :p

I quite liked the spotting, it's less wall hack now. There seems to be a special one, is that the squad leader or last man in a squad or something?

The invisible SLAM was a bit unfair TBH.

Not too sure what you mean about that!?

I think the whole spotting system was pretty much spot on (pun intended :p) in this game. Now for bc 2, that was a wall hack and the main reason I played hardcore in that game! :D

Nexus you noob check your settings that is just visibilty at distance n stuff, you can change all that. Quick tip Gameplay > Enemy Icon to 140% ;)

Have just put that setting to 140%! Thanks :D

Also, another thing, which I don't like, the hit markers, the way they move plus too big now, puts my aim of big time :(
I think the hit marker size is dependent on how much damage you do. If you are prone and mowing people down at the knee they are small :) (I guess the latest NXbot only headshots :p )

I may be wrong about the special dorito, it seemed to be like a circle with a dorito in it.

Setter, if anything it's been more stable for me, but that's probably more to do with updating my BIOS.
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I think the hit marker size is dependent on how much damage you do. If you are prone and mowing people down at the knee they are small :) (I guess the latest NXbot only headshots :p )

I may be wrong about the special dorito, it seemed to be like a circle with a dorito in it.

Ah so that will be why then, time to config it so that it goes for the knees instead :p

Hmmm, I think you are referring to the icon, which tells you if somebody has the body armour perk.
Oh and Nexus yeah, that's kinda OP @ 140% :D

It certainly is - just tried it. And then this happened:

Ah it's body armor, I see, I need to play with the HUD settings. :)

Wait, does that mean if I have the stealth perk I get a giant stealth dorito on my head? :eek:
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you'll all never be happy with this go put your slippers on and resign that gaming mouse ;)

I really like the patch, guess the feel suits me more. Not sure what you mean by feels more clunky, care to explain? and maybe there are more updates to come, lets not poo poo it right away. Lets let it settle and see what happens.
you'll all never be happy with this go put your slippers on and resign that gaming mouse ;)

Already got my slippers on! :D

Nexus is correct, if you have any questions just ask. I know pretty much what all the things do now.

Oh and Nexus yeah, that's kinda OP @ 140% :D

hehe, just how I like it then :D

And as kiwi said, post your settings!
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