The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Capping fps to 100, 150% res scale results in a very playable experience with lower gpu temps. Connection aside this seems like a sweetspot. Just had a fantastic tdm round a few minutes ago. Im on a 60Hz monitor too, i do get tearing but tbh it's not enough to put me off playing.
Gutted I missed the free battlepacks. Still, it was Friday night, and I still have a life ;)

Hope EA don't bar the battlepack glitchers though otherwise there'll be barely anyone left to play the game by the sound of things! :D
No need to glitch for battlepacks here. I just use my uber skills to rank up higher much quicker than everyone else.:D
Hmmm, tbh, I could probably put my res. scale to 150%, currently got it set to 120%

Capping fps to 100, 150% res scale results in a very playable experience with lower gpu temps. Connection aside this seems like a sweetspot. Just had a fantastic tdm round a few minutes ago. Im on a 60Hz monitor too, i do get tearing but tbh it's not enough to put me off playing.

Should try my settings, in user config, have these settings:

RenderDevice.TripleBufferingEnable 0
GameTime.MaxVariableFps 59.94

And then in BF 4, enable vsync, never before has this game run soooooo smoothly for me.

The tearing isn't too bad in this game compared to the likes of wolfenstein & bioshock infinite, they have horrific screen tearing :(

I swear to god mate, Ive never seen 1 tear on my screen and that's gospel. Not sure if it's got something to do with running crossfire with Frame Pacing enabled and my user.cfg locked at 90fps, but I get zero tearing and I've never ever understood it, because I'm using a 60hz screen lol.

Not doubting you! :)

I tried various FPS caps and could notice it no matter what setting I used, the lower the FPS cap, the more tear I had :(

Perhaps that is why, I don't have crossfire so can't try that frame pacing thing.
Certain framerate caps will minimize the perception of tearing especially in fast paced fps online games - unless your very sensitive to it or go looking for it i.e. things like radiators and blinds with lots of parallel lines will show it.

If I use 120Hz w/ 120fps lock without vsync I get a very noticeable rippled in the middle of the screen but if I use 125fps cap then 99% of the time the only distortion is the odd split frame at the top or bottom 5% of the screen which is generally hardly noticeable, not quite sure why it works like that :S

Wolfenstein uses its own internal 60fps lock and is just plain nasty - I can't deal with the input lag from vsync or the rippling from the 60fps cap without vsync so could never complete the game.
Uh... just done the update to have a play with it and in the test range map firing automatic weapons the longer I fire the longer delayed bullets become :| until round are splashing upto 3 seconds after I stopped firing at short range :|
RE tearing I only noticed how bad it was when I moved to GSYNC and I was running 120hz before that. You may not notice it but it's definitely there.
Im glad mantle has been fixed. Playing with an fps average increase of around 10-15 compared to directx .
But having some slight stuttering now and again which i didnt get with directx and also sound at the beginning of each map takes around 10 seconds compared to directx.
Ad an sli user, this new patch is good for me. I'm actually starting to enjoy bf4 now. Yes its taken a while lol.
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