The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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14 Dec 2005
armoy, n. ireland
Bf4 is pretty demanding cpu wise, but a stock 4790k will handle it grand. This is my third haswell i7, (1x 4770k, 2x 4790k). The older 4770k was a bit slower at stock but I had it at 4.5 for gaming. Playing a few rounds tonight and cpu hitting 70c on cq large. Tempted to delid it to drop temps. 20c drop is pretty common after doing this.
16 Mar 2009
and that is why neither of you are in charge of Anti cheat in BF4 :D

He has no dodgy stats and if you are talking about the HS 180's well that'd be the syncing issues since last patch.

Note his two most used guns are both 34 max dmg guns which still give one frame kills due to packets getting sent the same time. Nothing dodgy there what so ever am afraid to say.

Tony you know I want your babies and love you long time but this is the problem with people calling hacks. You don't know enough to make that judgements.

I did a round on TDM Lockers last night with 80% HS ratio using AEK and Magnum only (50% kills with each) at 21-3 and yes many hacks were called. Then to give other people a chance I only used M40 in 48 man TDM and went 16-5 only quick scoping with a 75% HS ratio.

Skill > Hacks

I was only questioning the 300+% accuracy, how is that possible?

I don't call out many people as hackers but sometimes it is clear, especially the ones who know your every move and instantly know your position. Yeah I know about spotting and the minimap but in some positions no-one could know where you are if you have stayed silent.
25 Nov 2011
I was only questioning the 300+% accuracy, how is that possible?

I don't call out many people as hackers but sometimes it is clear, especially the ones who know your every move and instantly know your position. Yeah I know about spotting and the minimap but in some positions no-one could know where you are if you have stayed silent.

Easy to explain. So Incendiary for example will dmg multiple people all at once. so very easy to have ridiculous accuracy with it. The accuracy on most of my shotguns is 100% plus, not because I am a hacker but because I hit multiple people at the same time with the pellets.
16 Jun 2009
Easy to explain. So Incendiary for example will dmg multiple people all at once. so very easy to have ridiculous accuracy with it. The accuracy on most of my shotguns is 100% plus, not because I am a hacker but because I hit multiple people at the same time with the pellets.

I have an overall accuracy of 430% for the incendiary, you just need to find the campers nests.
Also that player got 6 kills using the BTR-90 and only one with a firearm, maybe he hit a jeep full of noobs?
25 Oct 2007
Los Angeles
this is Overclockers UK site, we go as high as possible here yo bro. :p:D

if the wife likes the white one, get it. Let her have some say in your spending, that way she wont moan in the future about your further purchases :p and the white one is just pure sex anyway IMO.

I tend to agree as long as you can keep volts under control. In saying that I've been rocking 1.4v for the last couple of years and have only have to switch clocks once (4.8->4.7).
4 Feb 2003
telford, shropshire
hax yo. guy was proper dodgy...

lmao, reminds me of a right nut case i came across the other night, so blatant it was laughable, he literally stood against a wall started firing away into the wall clocking up the kills with his lmg, 2-3 mins into the round he was something like 65-0, i got killed cos i was just standing there watching him in amazement lol.

only other hax i've ever seen was a guy standing in his base knifing everyone.

neither time did the they get kicked/banned by any of the software in place :( :(.

I'm tempted to try and push for 5GHz lol...but going from 4.6GHz to 4.8GHz scared me enough lol.

go on ya big girl you know it will be fun :D.
2 Aug 2011
Been playing this a lot recently and I thought the cod community was bad. The amount of whining in the chat is pathetic, so many people complaining about hacks after they die. Seems like there is a few people complaining every game too, quite surprised.

Fun game though, some of the assignments are really annoying, cant seem to kill anyone while swimming >_>
4 Feb 2003
telford, shropshire
yo MarkyP, do you ever play BF4 anymore? what happened to ya?

yeah still play know and again, after not playing for a while can't hit ****, even try all the noob weapons and nothing :(, really do wonder how i managed to kill stuff before, i know i'm rubbish but i don't remember being this bad....

ahh...just not seen him online at all Josh. You finished work now? few games?

see you online, mostly on full servers with 5/6 waiting so bugger off on another server.

He plays those high ticket metro only servers that Nexarse loves!

its the only way i get any kills :(, play the other maps and i'm just *****, go from one side of map to the other to get killed by a tank, attack boat, heli or jet, gets boring very quickly :(.

so many people complaining about hacks after they die.

from my side of things i don't complain about it cos mostly its because the game itself is so dodgy performance wise, make things worse if kill cam is on and it shows your killer in a position that makes you wonder how the hell they killed you.
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16 Jun 2009
If you are the markp I was in a game of metro with the other day you didn't do badly IIRC, you were ~5th out of 32 on your team with a healthy KD ratio. I don't remember actually bumping into you in that round though, I guess you don't pile blindly through the doors I farm ;)
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23 Oct 2013
I do enjoy afternoon gaming, the rage, the noobs & the fact I can actually get kills in a jet.

Shall be on this evening, might be slightly tipsy from all the hot toddys mind.
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