maybe when he's done building his house, he could teach daddy how to play Battlefield
40x Scope, Range finder, hilltop - left click to win!
maybe when he's done building his house, he could teach daddy how to play Battlefield
Is it possible to unbind the mousewheel from bf4? Not that i use it anyway but just got the 502 mouse and that clicky wheel is annoying.
40x Scope, Range finder, hilltop - left click to win!
Is it possible to unbind the mousewheel from bf4? Not that i use it anyway but just got the 502 mouse and that clicky wheel is annoying.
maybe when he's done building his house, he could teach daddy how to play Battlefield
just go into bios and manually drop them a bit mate, your not talking a lot, simples.
It's just probably not booting because of the mix in speed between the RAM, I expect they'll be fine if you just put the new pair in just so you have 8GB
Go into Bios, get all the latency settings of the original two sticks first, remove, put new ones in, change ALL RAM settings to mirror your original, boot into windows makes sure everything is ok, then put the original two sticks back in, 16GB all matched in speed Voila. 5 minute job.
The sticks were on special offer weren't they? you might not get the same deal on the set you need, meaning you'll have to spend money sending back then extra for the proper pair. Just trying to come up with a quick solution for ya
This seems to be a reoccurring theme Josh Having put together a few builds in my time i've learnt not to buy drunk - or build hung over/drunk (punctured my rad this way)! Anyway, glad you got it sorted.
Impossible to play on my connection at the moment. Go from 30 ping to 100. Hate playing on wireless