Classic mode is basically a BF2 preset.
Classic mode in a new kode where you health doesn't regen.
We play Standard vanilla mode dude.
C'mon even Chippy knows that!
What boosts still work on double xp weekends? I have missed out on so many points lol
Can't get into a game tonight. When I select a server, it says logging in then says bf has stopped working?
All of them. Keep your 100 and 200 boosts.
Classic mode is basically a BF2 preset.
It's really not tho. More like HC from BF3 as there is no 3rd person cam, jets can't land to repair etc etc. It's just bad
Had a few issues joining games to. Soon after I got a bl popup telling me to exit bl and origin, log back onto origin and do a repair install. Did so and bf4 harmony was once again restored.
I need a double XP!
325 - 25%
108 - 50%
11 - 100%
15 - 200%
Still won't get me to **** bucket though!
We should get another Double XP event with the general release of final stand.
Lol nex I have a fan also. What's this metabans page? I've not signed up to it, how can people post things on a page for me I had no idea existed lol
Just another form of anti-cheat that some servers use iirc so if you get banned, you can still play on servers which aren't linked to meta-bans. Joe will be able to confirm what exactly it is.
I haven't signed up to it either.
iirc, anderzel got two metabans for bf 3 and I think Joe has also had a couple of metabans in bf 3 lol
Tony don't worry that is the guy CaptainAsshat00 that I dealt with, he clearly thinks a metaban with bother us.
Too many children, I think I am going to remove my tags. I don't mind the odd bit of banter but this is getting silly now.