Don't forget grand bazaar
Knew I was missing one! If they could release the maps, as they were but with a bit of tarting up if would be fantastic.
They ruined the Second Assault DLC with the "levolution" and gunship stuff. The maps were brilliant as they were.
I'll be honest, I think I have only played Metro 2.0 about 5 times.
Might have to jump back in and try to rekindle my love affair with the map.
I personally don't bother with gpu oc's for this game, cpu clocked up does help on the 64 player cq maps.
I wouldn't bother with ultra...
The game also looks very good with low settings, especially with GSYNC.
Don't forget grand bazaar
I think it looks pretty good at ultra with GSYNC.
would love to get in on some ocuk games but dont have premium may get it at christmas
How many of us OcUK players are up for a few large conquest games tonight? I'm craving some decent team play - any takers?
I say game night, will be about 3-4 hours - I should be able to get on for 1800-1830!
I'll try low and 4k with DSR tonight, iirc it was ik on a mix of medium and high with no msaa.yes once you used to low all and mesh ultra you never go back
even better if you can run 4k with same or DSR.
Low for the pros, Mesh on ultra, everything else on low! I rarely slip below 120fps with these settings. Not a fan of the sex appeal on fps, I want smooth frames.