The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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GG's last night. Had some great fun 1 shotting people with a Magnum.

Tried to go 1st person is jets again, still hating it, turningis better but hitting anythign gtfo!
Ya i prefer aiming in 3rd person.. 1st person was only really needed for rocket pods and shooting pilots out of the cockpit in bf3, don't think it's possible in bf4..

What vehicle fov do u people use?
Although I'm rarely in the jet 1st person makes me feel sick. I can only aim in 3rd person.

Think I just need to realise that my skills don't extend to anything that flies bar the funship.

My tanking ability has disappeared, seem infy is the only thing I can do now. Slightly annoying.
I was actually doing alright in tanks the other night. Well alright for me :D 20-3 in tank. Still unsure how some tanks killed me in 2 shots front on though.

I'm sure you'd get it back with ease.

I was scrolling through my saved videos and found a lovely c4 kill on you and nexus. Made so much better by the "O F off mynight" :D. Iirc it was my 6th attempt lol.
More gg's last night. Some of those servers were flattened so quickly it was astonishing.

The mortar was singing on Lockers again. Josh: "There's tons of them outside e", "Oh wait they're ALL dead!" :D

Got banned from this forum by Stulid at least twice on Metro. :p
One was a fantastic long shot m32he :D

And Nexus did you really think I'd forsake you and drop you from my friends list now you are a world famous tube star? ;):D
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What vehicle fov do u people use?

Whatever Nexus uses, think its 85 or something. I had it perfect but for some reason the settings either changed or my eyes did because it didn't look or feel right afterwards.

I was scrolling through my saved videos and found a lovely c4 kill on you and nexus. Made so much better by the "O F off mynight" :D. Iirc it was my 6th attempt lol.

I think I remember that.

Can't do any videos at the moment, I have lost the preview screen on Sony Vegas so can't actually see what I am creating. Tried to use Adobe Premier Pro but that has a rather large learning curve.
Headphones have broke :mad: any suggestions under 100?

Anything by scennheiser are supposed to be good. I've got an old pair of plaintronics which work great. No idea if the mics any good though as I don't hear myself talk :D.

Premier pro is great but there's soooooo many options I can't imagine anyone makes use of them all.
Anything by scennheiser are supposed to be good. I've got an old pair of plaintronics which work great. No idea if the mics any good though as I don't hear myself talk :D.

I'm a Sennheiser fan but could only afford the PC320s last time in needed some, they do a good job and are comfortable. The very good Sennheisers are expensive though.

Your mic is pretty clear most of the time Mynight. I think mine is too (when I'm not dribblingly drunk).
I imagine anythings clear compared to the tin can and string set up stulid has :D.

Good to hear. Iirc the ones I have were only about £50 but got given them by a mate so £0 is perfect imo :).

Only issue with mine is they're the on the ear type rather than over the ear style so can be uncomfortable for long periods. Also they leave my ears looking like someone clipped them haha.
I got a Creative fatl1ty headset which is pretty decent. Previously I was using a £2 desk mic and a pair of Sennheiser HD-555s. I prefer the creative!

How the hell do you kill anyone in Air Superiority. I rage qute last night after going 2-10 or something.

I had might A/D keys bound to yaw - is that right?
I got a Creative fatl1ty headset which is pretty decent. Previously I was using a £2 desk mic and a pair of Sennheiser HD-555s. I prefer the creative!

How the hell do you kill anyone in Air Superiority. I rage qute last night after going 2-10 or something.

I had might A/D keys bound to yaw - is that right?

Pitch up is bound to space bar, nexus posted his settings a page or two back. I'm slowly getting better at AS. I had 9 kills in my last game which is a massive milestone coming from nothing. I might try binding left ctrl to pitch down but I found turning speed very helpful and how gravity and different manoeuvres affect it. Oh and I have third person view (c ) bound to middle click.

I found a half decent server in the end

Just persevere, expect to die loads at the beginning but you'll get better with lots of practice.
I've been looking at the hyperx but I'm a bit wary at its 3.5mm input rather than usb along with the noise cancellation I worry I'll be shouting and waking people up when just "talking" on TS :D.
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