The BBC has no leftist bias at all.

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I'm always interested in this 'bring in immigrants to do the jobs British people won't do' line. The reason why British people won't do those jobs is because the job is underpaid. So that position encourages wages to remain low.
i disagree. my cleaners are paid £33k p/a. i can't for the life of me hire british. i have a position out now, only 1 british person applied (though there is a serious lack of any applicants this year tbh), applying for a full 9-5 mon to friday job, and they want to just do tuesday morning, and a few hours saturday.

i always want a british person so that they have the best ability to speak with customers, but i can never find one that wants to do this job. i've found it's not the money, but the work. The cleaning we do is also not standard domestic easy cleaning, it's harder deeper stuff, and no british person yet has been able to do this.

my post is of course anecdotal, but that's my experience any way for the past 12 years.
I'm always interested in this 'bring in immigrants to do the jobs British people won't do' line. The reason why British people won't do those jobs is because the job is underpaid. So that position encourages wages to remain low.

a lot of it is because people are lazy. You get minimum wage in plenty of jobs...those positions get filled.

Taking things out of context is a common tactic for the left, also most POC obviously deny their extremism, they aren't going to own up to such beliefs are they?

Tell me again about all the cases of rapes from immigrants as other people are discussing.

Being raised in and moving in from a barbaric culture doesn't automatically make people 100% modern and freedom loving. They hold resentment and a deep seated hatred for Western culture and people.

Then I suppose it brings to question what sort of people you decided to hang around with that harboured those views. It says more about your character that you had been surrounded by people like that rather than the statements you are making.

What do you want me to say about he rape gangs!? Surely any human being with a shed of decency would say it's disgusting what happened. I don't know much about the case other than the police decided to walk on egg shells around the situation in fear of being accused of being racist. It would be hard to argue against the evidence that it looks like young white girls were targeted. It's disgusting what happened and the attempted cover up even more so. Not sure what else you want me to say on the matter really.

To be fair, it's a subject that's a bit too close to home so it's not something I feel I need to discuss other than saying that just like everyone else, I'm disgusted by it.

I'm not sure why you are peddling your weird views as if they're a fact that can be attributed to any and every minority that comes here.

I can say that as a black man with close friends from many different backgrounds I've never heard anyone, family or friend, ever say they've wished for the death of the white race. You're talking utter *****, quite frankly.

Same as your later post where you said some nonsense bout minorities not having much luck on dating sites. Perhaps what you're attributing to race but is more likely your character. Just a thought.
Perhaps what you're attributing to race but is more likely your character. Just a thought.
When you realise that the poster you're quoting is being intentionally provocative and you can happily file his musings in the 'would not read again, 1/10' pile then enlightenment has been achieved. I mean, it's barely worth it if you're not even semi-believable. Whatever happened to subtilty and under the radar effort? Kids these days ... :(
When you realise that the poster you're quoting is being intentionally provocative and you can happily file his musings in the 'would not read again, 1/10' pile then enlightenment has been achieved. I mean, it's barely worth it if you're not even semi-believable. Whatever happened to subtilty and under the radar effort? Kids these days ... :(

I didn't heed the 'don't feed the troll' warnings. I did it to myself!
i disagree. my cleaners are paid £33k p/a.

Explains a lot ;)

Though to be fair, like in your situation, some employers pay a lot more than others.

My ex and her family are all professional nannys, and the differences in salaries they would get depending on the location they were working in was big. The ex made more money looking after 1 child than her mother did looking after 8.

I used to be very close to the Polish and Lithuanian communities (not now due to ill health) and back in the day it would be mostly single guys who would come over and share a house together. They would split the bills at least 6 ways. So it made living costs cheap for them all. So they could afford to take the very low paid jobs and still have enough money to send back home. This is how a lot of the immigrant communities operated. I'm not saying thats a bad thing, its understandable and I would do the same in that situation. But it means that low paid jobs still have competition for them. So there is no incentive to increase the salary.

I thought the Job centre made it a condition of getting unemployment benefits that you eventually had to take a job offered to you? If so, why don't they start making people take the jobs that are struggling to find people?
Then I suppose it brings to question what sort of people you decided to hang around with that harboured those views. It says more about your character that you had been surrounded by people like that rather than the statements you are making.

Because I really had a choice who to 'hang out with' when I was a child. These were all people that my parents FORCED me to associate with, and I was not allowed to 'hang out' with anyone they didn't allow.

ever say they've wished for the death of the white race. You're talking utter *****, quite frankly.

So terrorism doesn't exist at all, OK. The whole issue of White farmers being killed / kicked out of SA never happened. These people don't exist at all, nope.

Don't use your ignorance to gaslight me. 'It's never happened to me so it never happened to you'.
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Same as your later post where you said some nonsense bout minorities not having much luck on dating sites. Perhaps what you're attributing to race but is more likely your character. Just a thought.

Tbf he does have a point there.

Pakistani/Indian men have a terrible reputation in OLD.

Actually as a randomish question how do you find the whole "queen of spades" culture in online dating/hook ups?
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I used to be very close to the Polish and Lithuanian communities (not now due to ill health) and back in the day it would be mostly single guys who would come over and share a house together. They would split the bills at least 6 ways. So it made living costs cheap for them all. So they could afford to take the very low paid jobs and still have enough money to send back home. This is how a lot of the immigrant communities operated. I'm not saying thats a bad thing, its understandable and I would do the same in that situation. But it means that low paid jobs still have competition for them. So there is no incentive to increase the salary.

I think the issue is people don't realise this works both ways. They think it's just limited to UK and it's an issue UK needs to sort. It really isn't.

My brother, UK born, fully uk English man blood. He went to Canada for a year. Slept in essentially hostels the whole time, cleaning hotels to earn enough to pay his rent, pay for food, and more importantly, pay to party. By the end of it he had zero savings, but a year of memories.

he then went to Australia. worked on a farm for i think it was 4 months. living in what can only be described as a fancy barn. working almost every hour for not much.

immigration happens and the work needs to be there for this. the world is a better place that english people can go off to another country for experience/fun/life skills, earn enough to get by, live 6 people a room etc.

while he was working at these hotels/farms etc, there was no other person there but foreigners. not polish, just foreigners to these lands. so other english people farming etc. it happens both ways, but to scared english people that don't get out to experience the world, all they see and hear is that foreigners are coming here and stealing their jobs. they really aren't.

if you increase the wage, do you think this would discourage foreigners, or encourage more to come as they can earn more?

the issue isn't the wage, it's the work as it's the work that you do because it allows you to do things like explore a new country.

i'm sure many would agree that right now they'd never live and work on a farm, not because of the money but because it's a rubbish job shoveling cow poop, however for sure if i wanted to explore a new country for a few years, and to get my visa i had to work on a farm, i'd happily do it no questions asked.
Feel free to continuing your opinions on China here, that's not for us to moderate (not that I agree with them) - but please, enough of the childishness that I've edited out.

There is no evidence of any alleged 'harmful' activity. They simply have 're education and job training' centres. There are countless videos from within them that have been released showing as such, the worst that happens is that they teach 'we love China' stuff to try and prevent terrorism?

I'd actually like to have some of that myself for the free training and education, not a bad deal at all, its completely free from what I can see.

I guess people will question the whole forced aspect of it? The last I checked, education isn't optional in the west either. China maybe offer more of it for free?
Tbf he does have a point there.

Pakistani/Indian men have a terrible reputation in OLD.

Actually as a randomish question how do you find the whole "queen of spades" culture in online dating/hook ups?

It's definitely a thing.. Even more so on the not-quite-mainstream ones.

Being 5'11 means I just missed out on being able to put 6' on my profiles when I used them. In some cases what you're talking about was sometimes the next best thing
It's definitely a thing.. Even more so on the not-quite-mainstream ones.

Being 5'11 means I just missed out on being able to put 6' on my profiles when I used them. In some cases what you're talking about was sometimes the next best thing

Thought you said it was nonsense, but now its definitely a thing?

Picking and choosing your opinions at complete random.
Why don't they have more police at the end of my steet where there have been 5 shootings the last few years and constant anti social behaviour. Don't want to offend the Jamaicans. When is that getting discussed on the BBC.
Why don't they have more police at the end of my steet where there have been 5 shootings the last few years and constant anti social behaviour. Don't want to offend the Jamaicans. When is that getting discussed on the BBC.

Because then we would be as bad as China, oh noes!

'Muh human rights! Let murderers kill! Let terrorists bomb! Let rapists rape! Any opposition makes you a violent supremacist!'.
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