The BBC has no leftist bias at all.

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is this it? this is your lazy attempt to solve the problem? are you actually doing anything other than moaning on this forum?
The biggest hurdle to these problems is first getting people to admit that there is a problem with certain cultures and how they are not compatible at all with the values of the West.

Would you rather have illegal immigration for instance, from Hong Kong for those fleeing persecution, or from Sub Sahara Africa? This has nothing to do with Race/Racism as it ALWAYS boils down too from the lefts perspective, it has everything to do with compatibility and ability to integrate, culture, work ethic, values and morals, these people have absolutely nothing to offer our society and absolutely are a huge burden for generations.
The biggest hurdle to these problems is first getting people to admit that there is a problem with certain cultures and how they are not compatible at all with the values of the West.
do you think his lazy moaning is going to do anything? who's convinced by a single of his posts? no one is. he's not here to educate. look at his post style. if you think he posts in any way to achieve anything like what you've suggested than you're simple not seeing his posts for what they are.

his effort is 0/10. the way he describes the problems are as though they are of importance 10/10. his ability to convey this. -20/10

even if you think getting people to admit something is the biggest hurdle, what has that got to do with his posts being lazy and don't achieve anything?

if i want to arrange everyone to come over for a bbq, my biggest hurdle may be getting people to say yes, but i don't just moan at them for not coming and sit back in my lazy boy chair and continue to moan. this is lazy, and to be frank, prob one of the stupidest things you can do, when you're acting like this is so important. this person has apparently seen the light, and this is his effort to help others. post rubbish on a forum in GD? for my bbq that i'm arranging, i'll not only try and sell the idea of a bbq, but i'll also be getting supplies, organising a time, planning games, finding a good music playlist, because i'm not lazy and see what's involved in hosting a bbq and getting as many people as possible to not just come, but want to come again and maybe next time bring more friends with them.

from what i see, this user isn't interest in hosting a bbq, he's interested in moaning that there isn't a bbq that he is too lazy to host
Would you rather have illegal immigration for instance, from Hong Kong for those fleeing persecution, or from Sub Sahara Africa? This has nothing to do with Race/Racism as it ALWAYS boils down too from the lefts perspective, it has everything to do with compatibility and ability to integrate, culture, work ethic, values and morals, these people have absolutely nothing to offer our society and absolutely are a huge burden for generations.
barely anyone one integrates anyway, it doesn't matter where they are from.

if their own kind are already in the country they flock to one of those areas, we do the same in other countries.

your probably looking at 30-50 years and multiple generations before any integration really happens and immigration is rising so fast we never really get to notice it happen.

the areas for whatever nationals just seem to get bigger and bigger, first it starts with a few streets, then they become the whole area, then thy slowly spread to neighbouring areas.

how many areas in your city are really multicultural and diverse?

a multicultural city generally means "asians live here, chinese live here, jews live here, white people live here, black people live here etc.

very few actually mix unless it's forced circumstances because of poverty or whatever and lack of choice
When you realise that the poster you're quoting is being intentionally provocative and you can happily file his musings in the 'would not read again, 1/10' pile then enlightenment has been achieved. I mean, it's barely worth it if you're not even semi-believable. Whatever happened to subtilty and under the radar effort? Kids these days ... :(

It probably went the same way as spelling... Amateur authors these days.... ;)
do you think his lazy moaning is going to do anything? who's convinced by a single of his posts? no one is. he's not here to educate. look at his post style. if you think he posts in any way to achieve anything like what you've suggested than you're simple not seeing his posts for what they are.

his effort is 0/10. the way he describes the problems are as though they are of importance 10/10. his ability to convey this. -20/10

even if you think getting people to admit something is the biggest hurdle, what has that got to do with his posts being lazy and don't achieve anything?

if i want to arrange everyone to come over for a bbq, my biggest hurdle may be getting people to say yes, but i don't just moan at them for not coming and sit back in my lazy boy chair and continue to moan. this is lazy, and to be frank, prob one of the stupidest things you can do, when you're acting like this is so important. this person has apparently seen the light, and this is his effort to help others. post rubbish on a forum in GD? for my bbq that i'm arranging, i'll not only try and sell the idea of a bbq, but i'll also be getting supplies, organising a time, planning games, finding a good music playlist, because i'm not lazy and see what's involved in hosting a bbq and getting as many people as possible to not just come, but want to come again and maybe next time bring more friends with them.

from what i see, this user isn't interest in hosting a bbq, he's interested in moaning that there isn't a bbq that he is too lazy to host

If you put as much effort into using your shift key as you do typing irrelevant rambling nonsense about your expertise in organising a barbecue, things might scan better.

The poster has already said sinking the dinghies and commandeering the larger ships would be an efficacious way of stopping these illegals, you just don't like the idea.
If you put as much effort into using your shift key as you do typing irrelevant rambling nonsense about your expertise in organising a barbecue, things might scan better.

The poster has already said sinking the dinghies and commandeering the larger ships would be an efficacious way of stopping these illegals, you just don't like the idea.

Maybe he doesnt like the idea of sinking the dhingies because he isnt a psychopath?
you just don't like the idea

i'm glad you picked up on that. yes that's correct :)

any way, what you've typed still doesn't negate what i said, it doesn't mean that this user isn't just being a lazy person with no real purpose but to moan on a forum. perhaps the lack of shift key use meant you struggled to read my post, but his offering of his solution, still goes to show that he really is just lazy ranting. he's nothing more.

we should have a bbq/we should sink the boats are the same lazy thing until you actually do something to help solve a problem you see that exists.

i'm hungry. i need to make food. i should order pizza. i don't. i moan that i'm hungry. i moan to on a forum i need food. this is lazy

there's too many foreigners that it causes issues for me in x way. i should fix this issue by doing x. i don't. i moan to myself nothing is being done. i moan on a forum that there is too many foreigners. this is lazy. this is that user.

you pointing out that he suggested someone else should sink boats really doesn't prove the point you think it does.
do you think his lazy moaning is going to do anything? who's convinced by a single of his posts? no one is. he's not here to educate. look at his post style. if you think he posts in any way to achieve anything like what you've suggested than you're simple not seeing his posts for what they are.

his effort is 0/10. the way he describes the problems are as though they are of importance 10/10. his ability to convey this. -20/10

even if you think getting people to admit something is the biggest hurdle, what has that got to do with his posts being lazy and don't achieve anything?

if i want to arrange everyone to come over for a bbq, my biggest hurdle may be getting people to say yes, but i don't just moan at them for not coming and sit back in my lazy boy chair and continue to moan. this is lazy, and to be frank, prob one of the stupidest things you can do, when you're acting like this is so important. this person has apparently seen the light, and this is his effort to help others. post rubbish on a forum in GD? for my bbq that i'm arranging, i'll not only try and sell the idea of a bbq, but i'll also be getting supplies, organising a time, planning games, finding a good music playlist, because i'm not lazy and see what's involved in hosting a bbq and getting as many people as possible to not just come, but want to come again and maybe next time bring more friends with them.

from what i see, this user isn't interest in hosting a bbq, he's interested in moaning that there isn't a bbq that he is too lazy to host
Regardless of the content of his posts, I fully support his right to put his point of view across, just as I would do for you.
ok. why you're posting about this i don't know.

who said he can't post?
Well to put it another way, do you think your constant moaning and rambling about anyone with a conservative view is going to do anything? Of course it isn't, I highly doubt anyone's opinions on anything are changed by the content of posts on these boards. It's akin to a 50 town criers all trying to scream above each other.
if you increase the wage, do you think this would discourage foreigners, or encourage more to come as they can earn more?

the issue isn't the wage, it's the work as it's the work that you do because it allows you to do things like explore a new country.

i'm sure many would agree that right now they'd never live and work on a farm, not because of the money but because it's a rubbish job shoveling cow poop, however for sure if i wanted to explore a new country for a few years, and to get my visa i had to work on a farm, i'd happily do it no questions asked.

You make some excellent points. I think the recent FTA with Australia as now removed the farming part of the stipulation for eventually moving there. I think they are creating a special visa that will only be available to mostly asian countries.

I'm like you, if I wanted to establish myself in a country I'd clean the public toilets or sweep the roads. But I know that we're probably both in a minority view for doing low level jobs.

There is generally a lot more of an entitlement attitude these days in the UK. I know its the same in the US. But I wonder if its a universial attitude, or more a cultural one linked to countries of a similar culture to us?
If you put as much effort into using your shift key as you do typing irrelevant rambling nonsense about your expertise in organising a barbecue, things might scan better.

The poster has already said sinking the dinghies and commandeering the larger ships would be an efficacious way of stopping these illegals, you just don't like the idea.

Such doesn't actually need to be done, just the threat of action can be a solid deterrent.

Didn't the politicians already say they were going to 'SEND IN THE NAVY!'

Yea and, what's that going to do? Did they even do it? What the heck does the Royal Navy even do anymore if not protect our borders?

You set up a blockade at the least, stop anyone, ships or dinghys getting past. Anyone that tries can be sent back the otherway or create our own Gitmo to put them in. Maybe shove em all in a plane and send them back to Paris. 'Build a wall of ships', be like Trump.

However pew pew pew would likely be cheaper and far more effective. I don't see liberals doing anything other than 'Oh noes, all these poor people, WE HAVE TO TAKE THEM ALL IN!'.

Just keep doing nothing, like I care when the UK ends up 100% black / brown. I'll be dead by then, and that's all that liberals seem hell bent on achieving.
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Maybe he doesnt like the idea of sinking the dhingies because he isnt a psychopath?
didn't Australia ram the boats or something and now they don't have a problem.

the size of these rubber dinghy's they are so big don't they have to be registered to a person? I'm assuming they're not and they are breaking some law by even launching them but France doesn't care.
it's an English problem even if the migrants are in France, because they don't want to stay in a country where everyone hates them and France knows it
didn't Australia ram the boats or something and now they don't have a problem.

the size of these rubber dinghy's they are so big don't they have to be registered to a person? I'm assuming they're not and they are breaking some law by even launching them but France doesn't care.
it's an English problem even if the migrants are in France, because they don't want to stay in a country where everyone hates them and France knows it

What has that got to do with anything?
What has that got to do with anything?
I'm wondering if it's similar to buying a car and you know it's registered to a person by law.

surely you can't just buy a huge boat that could be used for drug smuggling etc so easily, so why not go after the people who bought/own the boats? or the people selling them probably illegally to the smugglers?
Or you know Britain could grow a pair and denounce France. Small steps.

Threaten military action if it continues.

Imagine if the UK was shipping illegals across the border to Norway. You really think the rest of the world would stay silent over that?
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