Yet another thread is starting to derail, if it continues you all know what'll happen.
Its not exactly massively derailing given that the BBC also reported on this:
Nowhere ofc do they mention why these people don't simply claim asylum in France, ofc only Britain has to give everyone asylum.
Ever thought about looking into how many asylum seekers the other countries in Europe take in?
Ever thought to wonder why they don't claim asylum in the first safe country they reach?
Brexit happened so we could stop doing whatever the EU does and expects us to do, stronger border control was one of the key issues for it.
so one country should take them all in? It’s beside the point. You said “ofc only Britain has to give everyone asylum”
Thats simply incorrect.
Because there’s specific threads for things like immigration and they are in SC for a reason. Moving threads about the bbc onto these topics circumvent this.The thread title is just the starting point, why can it not derail.
I mean ballistic is the one who made the thread anyway?
There is no evidence of any alleged 'harmful' activity. They simply have 're education and job training' centres. There are countless videos from within them that have been released showing as such, the worst that happens is that they teach 'we love China' stuff to try and prevent terrorism?
I'd actually like to have some of that myself for the free training and education, not a bad deal at all, its completely free from what I can see.
I guess people will question the whole forced aspect of it? The last I checked, education isn't optional in the west either. China maybe offer more of it for free?
Thought you said it was nonsense, but now its definitely a thing?
Picking and choosing your opinions at complete random.
You have to be joking right?
I don't remember being sprayed with Cs gas or being jabbed with a cattle prod in school