The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

The Royal Rumble is one of those events that I always look forward to due to the unknown factor but generally always ends up being a poor show. Unsurprisingly Punk v Ziggler was the best match of the night and tbh I could have watched them for the duration of time the Divas and Funkasaurus matches took up.

Despite his recent push and the fact he never ever loses I never thought Sheamus would win the Rumble so from that perspective it was a surprise but not a nice one, he sucks as a baby face whereas he made a very good heel. I just can't get my head around the big build up for Jericho and bringing Orton back for this event and having Sheamus top the pair of them :confused:
Was quite disappointed with that. I did laugh when Cole came in and was a little shocked to see Kharma, Hacksaw and Road Dogg come back but all in all, poor show.

Punk vs Ziggler was definitely the best match, I think. The cage match could have been so much more too.
That rumble was certainly something. Overall as a show, it was pretty good. Suprised they sent Henry out for the match with his injured leg after smackdown, but he did a great job. I imagine the match was probably meant to go longer than 10 mins, but the injury changed things. Either way, Bryan won clean, hopefully that now means he can start wrestling non-giants, though I doubt his angle with the Big Show is over yet :(
On the other hand, big show tried to give a girl his hat and made her cry instead :3

Diva match.

The Cena/Kane match was far better than I was expecting. Ryder is just getting destroyed, still hoping for a heel Cena but don't think we'll get it. And then following that with their anti-bullying ad!

I got super excited for Drew to get an entrance, before Brodus came out. Still, he got a PPV paycheck! Yay Drew!

The Punk/Ziggler match was also very enjoyable, Ace heeling it up with the checking the ref and so on, it worked extremely well. There were times I thought Ziggler might even win it! And at the end how he ran in to do the count with the ref, very nicely done. Though Ace did only technically count two, so perhaps that's going to play into the storyline? Doubt it though.

And finally, the rumble itself. I don't remember any other rumble being so full of jobbers. But the crowd was so hyped for nearly all of it!

Foley was unfortunately not great, he can't really wrestle much more. Did well with what he could, but I'm not keen on seeing him in the ring for much more than that at the moment.
Ricardo is the greatest. Everything about him and that entrance was amazing.

Massive pop for Hacksaw, and I did cheer for that too, he's just so... enthusiastic! Crowd looked super into him, loud USA chants and 'HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!'

And then Kharma entered o.o
Its been 8 months since she left since she was pregnant, so obviously she's had the kid, there was no way she was pregnant for the Rumble, which is awesome news, and it took me completely by suprise.

And then more jobbers. Barret should have been made stronger, Orton was as expected, though I really expected him to be final two. Jericho making all the lights go out for his entrance was equally great, and finally, number 30... big show. That almost killed the crowd, right there!

The final two, I couldn't actually work out who would win, Jericho has his thing going on, and Sheamus is really getting over.

Long story short, I don't think I'd have been dissapointed if I'd paid money to see it, but equally there was nothing exceptional either.

On not so RR subjects, I've been looking at twitter. Laurinaitus is great:
Gearing up for the #RoyalRumble tonight. Should I wear my black shirt with white stripes or my white shirt with black stripes?
Hey @WWEUniverse, if you have any advice on how to be an impartial referee, feel free to send it my way. #RoyalRumble
When Ricardo/Announcers/Hacksaw/Kharma/road dogg entered it was very sad, it was basically like saying "we haven't got enough superstars to do this anymore"
When Ricardo/Announcers/Hacksaw/Kharma/road dogg entered it was very sad, it was basically like saying "we haven't got enough superstars to do this anymore"

Yes and no. This rumble certainly lacked star power, but equally there's always a couple of suprise entrants in the rumble. Totally agree on the annnouncers though.
Ricardo has been on Raw for months, had a couple of matches there and is a wrestler for FCW. And it was a gantastic way to bring Kharma back to the WWE, completely unexpected, and she's probably better placed to be in the rumble than Chyna or Beth were. Then throw in Hacksaw, that D-O-double G and Foley in as the suprises, and it would have been fine.

But instead there were so many nobodies. Nobody knows who primo and epico are despite them being the freaking tag champs, hunico has a stupid entrance and nobody cares, and the crowd just went dead when whichever Uso is still there came out.
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Several Raw based matches already announced for next months Elimination Chamber;

WWE Title Elimination Chamber: CM Punk v Ziggler v Jericho v Miz v Truth v Kofi

Cena v Kane
I noticed he certainly looked different, a wig though? You sure? Only 60 odd days for him to grow his hair till Mania :/
I hoped that with his new short hair in real life they might have brought back the American Badass/Big Evil gimmick. Shame.

Was definitely a wig, this was him a couple of months back
That's not the first time that Raw has turned out better than a PPV.

That CM Punk vs Bryan match was really quite good. Interesting that Triple H rejected Taker's challenge. Let's hope it sticks because after the amount of punishment, and recovery time they both had after their last match it's probably the wisest thing to do.

Taker vs Kane should be the last match of both their careers and it should happen at Wrestlemania.
Check this screenshot I took from youtube. Think the youtube bosses are having a less than subtle laugh at Taker's expense. :p I swear I have not edited this in any way apart from a crop.

Taker is the only wrestler left in WWE that has been consistantly good.

BTW, what happened to the Nash/HHH storyline? didn't last long

Overall, I was disappointed with the Rumble with 2 exceptions - It was great to see Road Dogg back in the ring, I know he's old and a lot of people say he's past itbut I did expect the next number after him to be Billy Gunn, a reputable tag team is just was the WWE needs, instead of throwing the main eventers in tag team main events.

Also great to see Awesome Kong/Karma back, she is carrying the torch that Chyna lit, and Beth Pheonix briefly held.

Personally, I would have liked to have seen Karma stay in the Rumble a little longer, and maybe thrown more than jus the parody that is, Michael Cole out.

Sheamus winning? ok so that was fine, but isn't this just to extend last years push? he is definitely a fan favourite and had some great matches last year (Triple H, Orton and Cena to name a few)

But I thought (so the spoiler/rumour sites had me believing) that at Mania it was going to be Jericho vs Punk for the title, unless Jericho is going to win at the Elimination Chamber.

My final note, please WWE, stop making Daniel Bryan a top star, he might be a good technical wrestler but his pasty white face, lack of height or build makes him perfect as a jobber or better yet, TNA's X-Division, unless WWE gives him a radical makeover like TNA did with Jesse Neil, I predict we won't be seeing DB on WWE TV, in 2013, unless it's on Superstars lol

Executive Vice President of Talent Relations and Interim General Manager of Monday Night RAW, John Laurinaitis

I can't believe you actually wrote the entire job title lol
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But I thought (so the spoiler/rumour sites had me believing) that at Mania it was going to be Jericho vs Punk for the title, unless Jericho is going to win at the Elimination Chamber.

Following his attack on Raw Jericho v Punk is nailed on for Mania (as if it wasn't anyway)

Whether Jericho wins the title at EC and Punk just cashes in his rematch clause at Mania or whether Punk retains at EC and just gives Jericho a 1 on 1 shot at Mania I dont know but it's gonna happen. Personally I'd prefer Punk to hold the belt through EC and Mania as it's the first WWE title run in what seems years with any real credibility to it and Punk certainly deserves a 1 on 1 win at Wrestlemania after jobbing to Orton and Mysterio the last 2 years.
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