That rumble was certainly something. Overall as a show, it was pretty good. Suprised they sent Henry out for the match with his injured leg after smackdown, but he did a great job. I imagine the match was probably meant to go longer than 10 mins, but the injury changed things. Either way, Bryan won clean, hopefully that now means he can start wrestling non-giants, though I doubt his angle with the Big Show is over yet

On the other hand, big show tried to give a girl his hat and made her cry instead :3
Diva match.
The Cena/Kane match was far better than I was expecting. Ryder is just getting destroyed, still hoping for a heel Cena but don't think we'll get it. And then following that with their anti-bullying ad!
I got super excited for Drew to get an entrance, before Brodus came out. Still, he got a PPV paycheck! Yay Drew!
The Punk/Ziggler match was also very enjoyable, Ace heeling it up with the checking the ref and so on, it worked extremely well. There were times I thought Ziggler might even win it! And at the end how he ran in to do the count with the ref, very nicely done. Though Ace did only technically count two, so perhaps that's going to play into the storyline? Doubt it though.
And finally, the rumble itself. I don't remember any other rumble being so full of jobbers. But the crowd was so hyped for nearly all of it!
Foley was unfortunately not great, he can't really wrestle much more. Did well with what he could, but I'm not keen on seeing him in the ring for much more than that at the moment.
Ricardo is the greatest. Everything about him and that entrance was amazing.
Massive pop for Hacksaw, and I did cheer for that too, he's just so... enthusiastic! Crowd looked super into him, loud USA chants and 'HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!'
And then Kharma entered o.o
Its been 8 months since she left since she was pregnant, so obviously she's had the kid, there was no way she was pregnant for the Rumble, which is awesome news, and it took me completely by suprise.
And then more jobbers. Barret should have been made stronger, Orton was as expected, though I really expected him to be final two. Jericho making all the lights go out for his entrance was equally great, and finally, number 30... big show. That almost killed the crowd, right there!
The final two, I couldn't actually work out who would win, Jericho has his thing going on, and Sheamus is really getting over.
Long story short, I don't think I'd have been dissapointed if I'd paid money to see it, but equally there was nothing exceptional either.
On not so RR subjects, I've been looking at twitter. Laurinaitus is great:
Gearing up for the #RoyalRumble tonight. Should I wear my black shirt with white stripes or my white shirt with black stripes?
Hey @WWEUniverse, if you have any advice on how to be an impartial referee, feel free to send it my way. #RoyalRumble