The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

Well, that was quite easily the most entertaining episode of RAW I've ever seen. I mean, first you have:


And then you have Brodus' big return, which cannot be captured in .gif form, it has to be seen to be believed.

And then Jericho does his thing... again!

Ricardo is still one of the most awesome guys too, especially with his wiki-wiki-remix!

Finally, Kane chokeslams Ryder off a loading bay onto concrete... so hard that he bounces back up again. gg WWE.

Seriously, I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard, I can't wait for next week!

Yep great Raw, the Brodus Clay debut especially :p

Punk v Swagger was a ppv quality match also, just a shame again the wwe title is taking a back seat to the bore fest that is the Cena v Kane angle :mad:
Raw was as horrible as last week if not worse. Disgusting.

What? Its the funniest Raw I've seen in ages! Though admittedly I haven't been watching WWE programming for actual wrestling, so my bar is set pretty low.

Also, this Jericho thing is going to be hilarous. I can see him going out and doing the same thing every week until they start booing him. And that could take months! :D
Wrestlig wise, in ring this crop of superstars can rival most generations.

Raw may have been funny, but the 30s matches, non clean finishes, nonsensical booking, and matches, back stage segments and horrible angles (cena kane) have really tuned me off tp the point where both this week and last i turned it off about half way, because i felt ashamed watchig it. I have never done that. Even impact,if i ever watch it, i will watch all of it how rver bad it is, and 9 times outta 10 it is.
I thought the crowd reaction was quite poor when he first came out considering how popular he was at one point. I'm assuming this is because the new generation of wrestling fan have no idea how much better the old superstars used to be. Either that or my tv wasn't doing the cheering justice.

Maybe they didn't mic the arena very well, found a live vid of it and it seemed like he got a good pop. Though I agree with you, watching back they were so much louder:

Raw may have been funny, but the 30s matches, non clean finishes, nonsensical booking, and matches, back stage segments and horrible angles (cena kane) have really tuned me off tp the point where both this week and last i turned it off about half way, because i felt ashamed watchig it. I have never done that. Even impact,if i ever watch it, i will watch all of it how rver bad it is, and 9 times outta 10 it is.

Two things! Firstly Ring of Honour. Seriously, go watch it. They have great storylines, and wrestling that backs them up. And its consistent, no terrible attempts at comedy, and no Cena. Its free to stream (You need to register for free membership), and its just an hour each week.

Or watch the first 30 seconds of any botchamania:

And take its advice. There is a very good alternative! ;)
That invasion return was awesome, this is still one of my faves though!

"I want you to count the 3!" *glass shatters* Everyone floored with a chair. Love it. :D
Once again, WWE is proving to be an extremely entertaining show!

Ziggler's promo against Foley was so true, that's how the best heels work. Speak the truth against a face.

US title match was... yeah. Ryder kicked out of two of Swagger's finisher. I'm not sure if that raises Ryder's profile or ruins Swagger's.

Ace continues to be a fantastic neutral character. I started off hating him, now he's one of the greatest on Raw.

Brodus Clay is now in my fav five. I love him.

D Bry is performing a fantastic heel turn. A slow burn, you can see exactly where he's coming from, thinking that he's in the right, and being wronged against. I'm looking forward to seeing where that goes.

And Jericho... perfect. Oh so perfect. Every single thing about him.

Finally, I really felt sorry for Ace at the end of Raw. He seems to be positioned almost as the face in the feud. And I do really like him.
D Bry is performing a fantastic heel turn. A slow burn, you can see exactly where he's coming from, thinking that he's in the right, and being wronged against. I'm looking forward to seeing where that goes.

And Jericho... perfect. Oh so perfect. Every single thing about him.

Finally, I really felt sorry for Ace at the end of Raw. He seems to be positioned almost as the face in the feud. And I do really like him.

On these points I'm going with Bryan v Orton at Mania for the title (after Orton wins the Rumble)

The Jericho angle I thought was handled pretty poorly this week, just walking out after spending very little time trolling the fans? I know we all know where his return is heading but we play along regardless now though after Raw and doing very much a heel like act there's little room for manoeuvre now. I think a better way of playing it would have been for him to avoid being tagged into the match, like when Punk goes to tag him Jericho could have been distracted by the audience, dropped off the apron and starting playing to them like he was during the heels entrance before the match

And Laurinaitis the face? How you seeing that? :p
The Jericho angle I thought was handled pretty poorly this week, just walking out after spending very little time trolling the fans? I know we all know where his return is heading but we play along regardless now though after Raw and doing very much a heel like act there's little room for manoeuvre now. I think a better way of playing it would have been for him to avoid being tagged into the match, like when Punk goes to tag him Jericho could have been distracted by the audience, dropped off the apron and starting playing to them like he was during the heels entrance before the match

Personally, I could see him getting tagged in, doing the hyping up the crowd thing, then getting out the ring, hi-5ing everyone and getting counted out, and just not careing at all. It could have been done better, but I'm still happy with what happened. Brian's suprised face was great as well.


And Laurinaitis the face? How you seeing that? :p

The whole show, really. Ziggler makes sense at the beginning about Foley taking up a spot in the rumble where it could be used to give current talent a chance instead, Ace agrees.
He seemed sincere when talking to Ryder after the match, though perhaps he should have done a Teddy Long and reversed the decision since Ryder wasn't cleared to wrestle.

And finally, at the end. He comes out and reverses the decision since Foley was not allowed in the match. The face lied to get into the match when he shouldn't have been, thus thats outside interference and a DQ. What else should he do, allow wrestlers to say that Ace said they could be in matches? He has to put his foot down.

Then Punk starts taunting and being rude to him? The week before, he made that match which resulted in Swagger and Vickie being banned from ringside? That's helping Punk! Heck, during that match he even prevented swagger from interfering while punk was on the floor. While they've been taking cheap shots at each other for ages (Ace does still have the slammy, for example), I couldn't see any reason for Punk cutting that promo on him. So why would he want to call the match down the line now?

From what I saw, there was no real reason for Ace to screw punk over until tonight.

Also, I was kinda hoping to see an Ace Crusher to foley :3
Good idea about the Jericho thing

As for Laurinaitis it's another one where you know what's going on but you play along anyway, he manoeuvred Triple H out of the COO role, he cost Punk two matches against Ziggler while "trying" enforce rules like the turnbuckle missing it's protective padding, he's playing the role of of keeping everything above board so to speak but you know he's got an ulterior motive (namely at the moment to get the belt off of Punk)

It's a Stone Cole/Vinnie Mac feud for the 21st century ;)
It really is getting boring now, every episode seems to be a repeat of the week before with the same superstars continuing their beef with the same people.
It really is getting boring now, every episode seems to be a repeat of the week before with the same superstars continuing their beef with the same people.

That's pretty much how it's always been though, month long angle culminating in a ppv match and then all's forgiven and everyone goes their separate ways and start on someone else :p
I havent watched www for 6+ months now. Will royal rumble be worth the watch?

I normally make the effort to watch it and wrestlemania.

Is undertaker back?
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