The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

Well Benoit killed his wife and son before killing himself didn't he, autopsy results then showed his brain was all messed up which led to questions over the concussions wrestlers today endure hence why no one take chair shots to the head anymore.

Ah right, i see, i didnt know that, i thought he just went nuts

Interesting, even tho for me, they never really took a shot to the head anyway, no thats wrong, they did, but 90% of the guys, 90% of the time managed to get the hand up before the shot.
Even though PG sucks, it's not the main problem these days.

WWE treats the fans like idiots. They'll abandon plots halfway through on a regular basis and expect us to not notice. They also try to lie about facts. HHH has fought 'Taker before at WM but they tried so hard to bill it as the first time ever last year.

Then you get the plots themselves, terribly written these days. They have the wrestlers with the skill, they have the superstars with the charisma on the mic, but they just put defaults like Mason "Batista" Ryan in the ring because he fit's Vince's image.

They treat most, if not all of the titles like garbage these days. Remember when Madusa dropped the WWF Womens title in the trash can on Nitro? That's what WWE have done with all their titles.

1. Tag Team is non-existent anymore.
2. Womens matches last all but 30 seconds, when they do go longer they have no talents like Alicia Fox or Kelly in the ring.
3. They killed cruiser-weight division.
4. They treat the IC and US title's like crappy stepping stones, the prestige they had is gone. (IC has got a bit better with Rhodes)
5. They swap the World titles around like candy.
6. They go too far with a certain heel announcer, Michael Cole, who no longer talks about the wrestling and insists on insulting every wrestler that performs thus damaging the product.
7. Vince thinks the WWE is no longer a wrestling company.

I could go on forever but you get the idea. I've always watch and always will, but it's dying slowing and turning into the Muppet's >.<
I could go on forever but you get the idea.

You could go on but you'd only be saying more unfounded nonsense, Mason Ryan? What has he done in his career that's worth noting? The current champs are CM Punk and Daniel Bryan, before Daniel Bryan you had Mark Henry none of these fit the stereotypical body builder image you're eluding to.

You say the tag team division is non existent, it's been like that for the past 10 years likewise the cruiser weight division which has never ever been one of the wwe biggest priorities.

I couldn't disagree more in you evaluation of the US and IC titles as well, both titles have always been nothing more than a springboard for bigger and better things in fact you'd have to go back to the late eighties early nineties to find the likes of Mr Perfect, The Million Dollar Man & The Honkey Tonk Man before you find a wrestler who stuck in that division. Bret Hart, HBK, Stone Cold, The Rock, Triple H they all started at that level and if anything the quality in that division at the moment with the likes of Ziggler, Rhodes & Ryder has probably some of the most solid workers the wwe has at the moment.

Women's division has been a joke for years so no change there but it hasn't helped by the fact that one of the best women's wrestlers has been out knocking out her first chavey but regardless of that who really gives a **** about the woman's division?

As for the titles swapping about Punk has been champion since November, Bryan since December so I'd say they're pretty long runs and I'd rather them have the titles for 3 or 4 months than a year of Super Cena holding the belt.

Probably the only point you have is Vince not treating it like a wrestling promotion as much and more of a global brand but I'm still enjoying the wrestling part as much as I ever have in recent years so I've got no complaints there either.

You say you always watch and you always will but it seems to me you haven't been watching at all recently :confused:

(sorry if any of that came across as rude)
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The tag division used to be good, and very fun to watch. These days WWE seem to always fail when trying to put teams together. It's also true cruiser-weight have never been highly valued by Vince, but they put on a hell of a match (Kidman, Tajiri, London, Kendrick to name a few) and now all we've really had left is Mysterio who is always injured every 6 months and Sin Cara who is great in the ring but couldn't show his Lucha Libre style off properly because most of the "big" wrestlers can't wrestle his style.

I also agree that mid card titles have been used as a springboard, but what I mean is they used to matter somewhat on TV. The then mid-card talent who weren't ready for the main event used to revolve around those belts, and always had great feuds and matches. Rhodes is bringing it back somewhat, but the writers pitching him against Show at WM is a complete joke to the title and Rhode's wrestling ability.

Womens matches can be entertaining as well (Trish, Lita, Molly, Jazz etc.) but they do nothing but put bad model talent in the ring. Beth, Hart & Layla are few remaining that can actually perform. Of course they have Kong coming back soon, but some of TNA's knockouts are talent WWE needs (I don't like TNA btw).

Yes, the WWE finally listened to the IWC by giving the title to capable wrestlers like Punk and Bryan Danielson (even though Danielson is still a but rusty/stiff on the mic) and I applaud them for it. When I was referring to it swapping hands all the time, I was talking about Cena and Borton (which hasn't happened to often lately but it had been and will again). As for Mason Ryan, he's a waste of space, can't wrestle, terrible charisma and looks like a deer in the headlights. He's only still there because Vince likes him.

(don't worry, no offence taken, I like a good debate ;))
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On a side note, whats Chyna up to these days?

Also, anyone know why they changed the championship belt from these? if its because of the logo, surely they could have just changed that



To this? the new one looks cheap and tacky
On a side note, whats Chyna up to these days?

She's trying to get a match with Vince, yep, Vince. Throwing insults at him over Twitter because he's ignoring her. The main reason for that is the 2 new hardcore porn movies she filmed with Vivid, and that don't spin too well with PG ;)

Also, anyone know why they changed the championship belt from these? if its because of the logo, surely they could have just changed that

I also preferred the Attitude era belt, even the Undisputed one was nice. Then they decied to try and male a gangster bling bling title to go with Cena's huge crappy push. It stuck and never changed. They have been recent talks about a re-design and I'm on my knees begging for that to happen, current one looks like a cheap toy.
Heh, you serious? Chynas doing porn? .... goes to google lol i knew she did that playboy shoot when she was in the WWE but signed to Vivid, holy moly. Still, i wish Vivid had signed Lita or Trish instead :D
If you watch that sit down Q&A session with Punk I posted he said the title will be changing soon (Assuming he keeps the belt)
Mainly their story telling. I watch TNA from time to time and the promo's are just horrendous and doesn't make me want to see what happens next in an angle whatsoever. Maybe I'm a fanboi I dont know but when I watch wwe more often than not I want to see where an angle goes or how it ends come the end of the month and the ppv.

At the start of the year I look forward to the uncertainty of who's going to win the Royal Rumble, at this years Mania I look forward to the uncertainty of who's going to win the HITC match, who's going to win out of Cena or Rock, who's going to win out of Bryan and Sheamus, there's not another wrestling promotion in the world that draws me in like that.

The actual in ring work of some of the other promotions may top that of the wwe but then the wwe is far stricter on what it allows their performers to do in the ring in light of injuries down the years and the whole concussion/Chris Benoit episode. It might not be what some viewers want to see but it's a responsible approach from the wwe and I can still enjoy a classic wrestling match between CM Punk and Daniel Bryan every bit as much as the old school attitude era chair spots etc.

It all depends on what you're after but wrestling to me has always been a glorified soap opera and as such the story telling is a massive part of what makes a wrestling promotion what it is.

Handily, Steve Foster above covered pretty much all the points I was going to make. So many times the WWE starts a storyline which has the potential to be amazing... then screws it up. Just look at CM Punk. That was the hottest thing the industry has seen in a decade... and what happens? He's suddenly friends with hunter, and now look where he is. Sure he's higher than he used to be, but listen to the reaction he got when he returned:

And don't forgot the crowd for MitB, though that's perhaps an anomaly.

But what storylines do they currently have going on, and where did they end up?
Bena Vs Kane Embrace the hate. Super Cena wins an ambulance match, Eve turns heel, nobody cares.
Natalya farts.
Bryan is a fantastic heel, he's the reason I youtube parts of Raw now.
Brodus Clay... vanished.
Ziggler Vs Punk... overshadowed by Jericho.

I can't really think of any other recent feuds, certainly not any long builds for them, besides Rock Vs Cena, but I'm not even sure that can be counted, since sure they agreed on the date for it a year in advance, but there've only interacted... less than 10 times in the past 10 months?

Compare that with a plot from Chikara from example (Taken from wikipedia)

On May 27, 2007, at Aniversario? Mike Quackenbush defeated longtime rival Chris Hero in a match two years in the making with a new submission maneuver called the Chikara Special. Following the match Quackenbush announced that since he knew Hero would never be able to break the hold, he would teach it and the counter to it to all tecnicos (good guys) on the Chikara roster. After Lince Dorado, El Pantera, Equinox and Claudio Castagnoli had all used the move to defeat Hero, he was booked to wrestle Equinox in a hair vs. mask match on November 11, 2007, at The Sordid Perils of Everyday Existence. During the match Equinox managed to lock in the Chikara Special, only for Hero to counter out of it and apply the move himself to force Equinox to tap out and lose his mask.

Quackenbush, wanting to find out who had leaked the move and the counter to it to Hero, sent Tim Donst to infiltrate the rudo (villain) stable The Order of the Neo-Solar Temple, led by UltraMantis Black. While undercover in the stable Donst found out that the leak had been Shane Storm, the tag team partner of Mike Quackenbush, who was at the time on a losing streak and was ready to exchange the move for a win over Temple member Hydra. On June 14, 2008, Donst left the Temple and revealed the leak to Quackenbush, who attacked Storm, with whom he had a Campeonatos de Parejas (Tag Team Championship) title match coming up, but instead of picking Donst to be his new tag team partner, Quackenbush decided to pick Jigsaw, while Donst went on to form a comedy tag team with Hydra, who had left the Neo-Solar Temple with him. However, in August 2009 Quackenbush thanked Donst for the infiltration by teaching him and only him a new submission maneuver, an inverted Chikara Special, in order to give him an edge in the upcoming Young Lions Cup.

It wasn't until January 2009 when UltraMantis Black revealed that he had done this all to get a hold of the Eye of Tyr, a mysterious Scandinavian artifact that could be used to control people's minds, named after the Norse god of war. The artifact which had gone missing from Switzerland had suddenly appeared in possession of Dr. Cube, a rudo manager in Kaiju Big Battel. Cube, a fan of Chris Hero's, agreed to swap the Eye for the chance to have Hero wrestle for him. Once UltraMantis had learned the Chikara Special and the counter to it from Storm, he taught the move to Hero and to return the favor Hero left Chikara for good and went to wrestle for Dr. Cube at Kaiju Big Battel.

The Order of the Neo-Solar Temple had been looking for a third member besides UltraMantis and Crossbones and after failed attempts with Pinkie Sanchez and Sami Callihan, UltraMantis saw a chance to get back at his former stable mate Hallowicked and used the Eye of Tyr in April 2009 to gain control over the mind of his Incoherence team mate Delirious and make him the third member of the Neo-Solar Temple. According to legend, once the Eye is used, it must be given away, or the user would face bad luck and tragedy. However, UltraMantis didn't believe this and refused to let go of the Eye.

On August 16, 2009, during the third night of the annual Young Lions Cup, a man dressed in a white mask and clothes confronted UltraMantis Black in the ring and gave him a box. Inside of the box was a message stating that a war was coming. That same man then began sending messages over the internet to UltraMantis saying that he and his Temple would be destroyed if he didn't return the Eye of Tyr to the "family". On October 18, 2009, at Cibernetico Increible the man was joined by another larger man dressed in similar fashion and together they appeared in the crowd and confronted UltraMantis, who proceeded to flee the arena. Following the event a cyborg named Vökoder, who had debuted during the Young Lions Cup, came to UltraMantis and offered to protect the Eye of Tyr and to convince him of his sincerity, Vökoder started interfering in UltraMantis' matches in order to help him win.

A story which built up for 2 1/2 years and culminated with what was essentially an invasion, a new stable formed, laid out everyone, one of the biggest faces in the company turned heel, and set up another whole year of storylines. Sure, you may have to suspend your disbelief, but so what? Its no worse than Kane tearing through the ring and trying to drag Ryder to hell!

Handily, Steve Foster above covered pretty much all the points I was going to make. So many times the WWE starts a storyline which has the potential to be amazing... then screws it up. Just look at CM Punk. That was the hottest thing the industry has seen in a decade... and what happens? He's suddenly friends with hunter, and now look where he is. Sure he's higher than he used to be, but listen to the reaction he got when he returned:

And don't forgot the crowd for MitB, though that's perhaps an anomaly.

But what storylines do they currently have going on, and where did they end up?
Bena Vs Kane Embrace the hate. Super Cena wins an ambulance match, Eve turns heel, nobody cares.
Natalya farts.
Bryan is a fantastic heel, he's the reason I youtube parts of Raw now.
Brodus Clay... vanished.
Ziggler Vs Punk... overshadowed by Jericho.

I can't really think of any other recent feuds, certainly not any long builds for them, besides Rock Vs Cena, but I'm not even sure that can be counted, since sure they agreed on the date for it a year in advance, but there've only interacted... less than 10 times in the past 10 months?

I'm really not sure what it is you're wanting/expecting?

The circumstances around a small promotion like Chikara and the wwe are light years apart so picking on your CM Punk point he's even said himself he'd of liked to stay off TV for longer than he did to build that angle up but unfortunately his rise culminated at the exact same time as the wwe's second biggest ppv of the year and from a business perspective they had to bring him back when they did.

If I would label any criticism at the wwe it would actually be the long build up in The Rock/Cena angle. Cena was never going to be involved in the Rumble match this year, he was never going to be involved in the EC matches last month either and at TLC in December he was left off the card completely, by setting the date between Rock & Cena when they did they've had no option but to put pointless crappy programs in recent months.

Brodus Clay has been kept off TV because his in ring work isn't deemed good enough, Natayla's gimmick is to appeal to the younger audience which is something else smaller promotions dont need to deal with and I'm not sure what you were expecting from Punk/Ziggler? They had a great match but like almost every Royal Rumble title match in recent years they're never more than just a 1 ppv angle (again because of the build up to Mania)

If you dont like the fact that the wwe is a worldwide franchise that has to appeal to all demographics to continue to make the money it does then dont watch, simple as that. Dont bitch about it though and how it doesn't compare to the smaller Indy promotions because those Indy promotions could quite easily be another ECW in 20 years time whilst the wwe is still in business.
Brodus Clay has been kept off TV because his in ring work isn't deemed good enough
He's only been shown in 1 minute squash matches on TV, yet they give Kahli and Jinder Mahal continual presence?

Ziggler was getting a push to the main event level that he truly deserves. I wasn't expecting him to win the title at the Rumble, bit now he's been put on the backburner, playing second fiddle to Jericho. And on the subject of Punk, funny how last year he was talking about how he hated terms like the 'WWE Universe' which he's now trotting out in his promos, its all been forgotten.

And look at what Bryan has had to put up with for the past year. Cole on commentary telling the audience that he's a nerd, he's rubbish in the ring and nobody should pay any attention to him. And there's no face strong enough to go against him. King and Booker just get drowned out, and when your commentary team are telling you that the guy in the ring is rubbish, is there no surprise that Bryan's segments on TV do badly?
I know that Cole's a heel, and so people should be cheering for the people he dislikes, but now Bryan's a heel and Cole is still hating on him! What are the audience supposed to think?

If you dont like the fact that the wwe is a worldwide franchise that has to appeal to all demographics to continue to make the money it does then dont watch

They could still appeal to all demographics if they booked wrestlers and matches properly. If they had actually threatening heels, and didn't abort their storylines and pushes early, because of one bad TV rating. They place far too much stock in how many people watch each segment, if someone isn't getting a good enough rating, that's them gone. That's not how you build someone up. Of course a 'no name' wrestler isn't going to draw, because nobody has seen him! The WWE needs to learn that you need to push a guy so that he does draw good ratings.

Case in point, a couple of months ago, the Ep where Raw started off with Punk, Bryan and Ryder after a PPV. I can't remember which one it was, but the opening segment didn't do very good numbers, and the WWE lost all faith in them to draw crowds, so next week it was back to Hunter and Cena starting and closing the show.

And currently, I don't watch the show. I listen to the Review a Raw podcast which keeps me informed, and I'll probably catch Wrestlemania, but the WWE aren't currently putting out a show I have any interest in, certainly not enough to justify spending 4 hours, or even 2 hours just for Raw, to watch each week.
And look at what Bryan has had to put up with for the past year. Cole on commentary telling the audience that he's a nerd, he's rubbish in the ring and nobody should pay any attention to him. And there's no face strong enough to go against him. King and Booker just get drowned out, and when your commentary team are telling you that the guy in the ring is rubbish, is there no surprise that Bryan's segments on TV do badly?
I know that Cole's a heel, and so people should be cheering for the people he dislikes, but now Bryan's a heel and Cole is still hating on him! What are the audience supposed to think?

Cole hasn't been hating on Bryan at all recently, as per the norm now Bryan's a heel Cole's giving him respect especially as Bryan has been aligning himself with Big Jonny
I don't watch the show. WWE aren't currently putting out a show I have any interest in, certainly not enough to justify spending 4 hours, or even 2 hours just for Raw, to watch each week.

I feel the same way. I used to watch every minute of the action up until about a year ago. Cole made it even worse. Like I said before, most in the IWC think's he's actually damaging the product and ratings, I'd have to agree. I always record Raw & SD now, and find myself fast forwarding some of the more terrible matches or when Cole just gets on my nerves. Find myself mostly watching the promos, besides the PPV's of course.

Cole hasn't been hating on Bryan at all recently, as per the norm now Bryan's a heel Cole's giving him respect especially as Bryan has been aligning himself with Big Jonny

What I just said in reply to iviv; Cole has become the boil on the ass of WWE and is no longer doing them any favours, throwing out insults every time he opens his mouth. What makes it worse is the fact that Cole is the Lead announcer which means he's supposed to call the action like JR used to while Lawler and/or Booker provide the colour commentary. It seems Cole wants to do both and they just can't be bothered any more.
I must say I'm glad for more of The Rock and his skits (e.g. history lessons on the last edition of Raw) lately in the build up to Wrestlemania. Reminds us of what great mic talkers we are missing these days. I know one person can't the standard for the whole company but as long as they're keeping that turd Cena as the WWE flag bearer then it will never rise above (no pun intended) the level it is now. At least give us more thugonomics. I really hate Cena's responses to the Rock's put downs or 'Cena sucks x a million', he may as well just say 'sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me'. My god he sucks so bad. They need to turn him major heel and see what happens. Less talking please.

Since becoming champ, CM Punk has been a total disappointment. What was all that stuff he was going on about with HHH before he became champ, about how he wanted to change things?
It still feels exactly the same.

Laurinitis vs Long as a power struggle is getting more interesting and a bit less marshmallowy now which is good but still not all that convincing. I don't think anyone ever took Laurinitis seriously to begin with, but with Otunga as his 'legal advisor', even less so.

Still not sure where this Kane/embrace hate angle is still heading, if anywhere. Maybe I've missed something.

Need more Orton.

Please please get rid of Vicky Guerrero already, she literally adds nothing.

Interesting that HBK is going to be special ref for HHH/Taker at WM. Made me wonder about a possible scenario where Taker has HHH in Hells Gate, HHH taps, but Michaels won't ring the bell, because he can't see HHH lose.
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Since becoming champ, CM Punk has been a total disappointment. What was all that stuff he was going on about with HHH before he became champ, about how he wanted to change things?
It still feels exactly the same.
Yup, exactly.

Laurinitis vs Long as a power struggle is getting more interesting and a bit less marshmallowy now which is good but still not all that convincing. I don't think anyone ever took Laurinitis seriously to begin with, but with Otunga as his 'legal advisor', even less so.
Laurinitis has actually grown on my quite a lot, he's a kinda goofy heel now and I really like the way he pulls it off.

Still not sure where this Kane/embrace hate angle is still heading, if anywhere. Maybe I've missed something.
Is that still going? For the last two months the Kane/Cena feud has just been to give Cena something to do until his big feud with the Rock, which is in full swing now. Is Kane trying to make other people embrace the hate now? If so... ugh.

Please please get rid of Vicky Guerrero already, she literally adds nothing.
Vicky is perhaps the most over heel in the WWE. They need more of her! All she has to say is 'Excuse me' and instant boos! Nobody else could get that sort of complete reaction. And managers are something which the WWE needs. Put her with guys who aren't so good on the mic and she can really elevate them.

Interesting that HBK is going to be special ref for HHH/Taker at WM. Made me wonder about a possible scenario where Taker has HHH in Hells Gate, HHH taps, but Michaels won't ring the bell, because he can't see HHH lose.
I'm really not keen on the stip, purely because a special ref means some sort of goofy finish like that. If Hunter wins then Taker's streak is broken due to some questionable reffing, and if HBK screws Hunter, then... well, I'm not sure. I'm going to reserve judgement on this move until I actually see the match, as it could work well, though I'm not holding my breath.
I think HBK will screw HHH causing HBK to come out of retirement to face him at WM29. It seems that HHH wants to end the on screen kliq. He did it with Nash and he'll do it with HBK. I really do think his ego is THAT big.
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