Wrestling.... cringeworthy? When has wrestling ever not been cringeworthy? Its always been cringeworthy... even when they try to be serious with the taker/hhh story.
Rock concert was great but I was hoping for a peeved off Cena to come down and smash Rocky's guitar over his head.. sure in time they will attack each other.
In context, it was taking it a little too far in my opinion. Yes, wrestling is cringeworthy by nature but we suspend our disbelief for a large amount of the time, reveling in the bombastic, over the top nature of it. The Rock basically epitomises that but he went on for far too long on Monday night. Something which was fairly amusing was just painful to watch by the end. Especially the We Will Rock You thing.
You do know that was a planned finish don't you rather than a botch? (referring to the TNA gif)
Also, who said Ziggler was terrible?
Is it worth watching this weeks raw?
Its Albert/A-Train. No idea if that gimmick will get particularly over, but will be interesting to see what they do with him.
lmao, Albert getting a promo video. He was made a joke of before he left wwe. Hip hop hippo or something.
Kelly Kelly & Maria Menounos vs. Divas Champion Beth Phoenix & Eve (Toilet break)
He also helped give the greatest entrance theme ever.
Also, who on earth is Maria Menounos?