The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

Is this the first time the IC title has been defended in more than three months, or am I forgetting something/someone?
the first two matches were quite poor :(

You'd thought that all the wrestlers would bring their A game to Wrestlemania but it seems that there's one great match per Wrestlemania and lots of "meh" ones.

Or they get told to put a match together like that :D
It occurs to me that perhaps Bryan dropped the title so that they can trade him to Raw in the draft.
You'd thought that all the wrestlers would bring their A game to Wrestlemania but it seems that there's one great match per Wrestlemania and lots of "meh" ones.

Or they get told to put a match together like that :D

All 3 matches and the 1 pre-show have been poor. How they are going to drag this out for four hours I do not know.
Just thinking about the Big Show, afew months ago he was in the World Title picture, he won it infact... now he is IC champion. What happened there? :p
Time to check my emails and look at see what graphics card to get :D

Although it is amusing to see just how gently they're holding the non-wrestler in the diva match
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Those big pam trees at each corner of the ring must be so annoying for people sitting behind them.

Worst set up for mania to be honest. I've seen better set ups in the 90's. Did they just get lazy? Seriously, so let down by the set up.

World title match - How sad to give the whc a joke match. What is the point of Sheamus winning the rumble to be giving that sort of match? Yet, the diva's match will get a good 8-10 solid minutes of crap.

What the hell wwe?

Orton/Kane was dull.

Big show/Cody was also dull.

Please don't let this crapfest be the whole night. Sersiouly let down so far. :(

Come on Y2J, steal the show.
As seen at WrestleMania 28 tonight, Sheamus became the World Heavyweight Champion by defeating Daniel Bryan in the opening match. Sheamus won in just 18 seconds with a Brogue Kick. reports that the plan was for them to beat the Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero record for shortest match a few years ago but they didn't beat it. The short title change had apparently been planned for a while but there were people in WWE trying to get it changed

They planned for it to become the shortest match, and failed. And had to use the World Title to attempt it?! Proves how little that is worth now.

Edit : HIAC already?! Aw yeah it better pick up now!
It just makes no sense to why wwe would crap all over the whc like that, and at wrestlemania where you are supposed to show off your wrestling abilities. I bet sheamus must be pretty p'od giving such a cruddy match.


Funny how they always do attendance records virtually everywhere. Seemed to start with the inflated wm3 number of 93000+.
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