The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

JR is looking healthier these days. How they have the main event only one hour into the show I don't know :/ Hope this match takes up about 45 minutes/1 Hour.
Looked like the pyro screwed up there, he was standing there with his arms out a bit and nothing happened till he was down the ramp. Then again may not have been after that time he got burned.
Haven't watched Wrestling in years but thought I'd watch it tonight after hearing there was a chance Brock Lesnar (My favourite wrestler all those years ago :D) might show up tonight. Been pretty crap so far to be honest, the World heavywegiht Championship match was just WTF :confused:...
I'm tapping out. Once again, the WWE has proven that they have no idea at all. The Bryan thing... ugh. Words fail me.

Why Kane won, I don't know. they better do something but with that, and I don't mean a Kane/Orton feud. The match was pretty boring too.

And why is Show now the intercontinental champion? A couple of months ago he was world champ, and now suddenly he's fallen this far? And how will be benefit from the title? Cody could have used the title to help him rise up higher, Show's not going to do anything with it.

And the diva match was expected. No Kharma though :(
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