The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

Nice right up man, don't agree with the above though so far ignoring his two MITB wins Punk has jobbed to both Mysterio & Orton, he's more than due a big Wrestlemania win and him retaining the wwe title will be HUGE for his career. I'll be sat watching the event with my Best in the World CM Punk T-Shirt on and if he loses I'm gonna be ****** :mad: :p

Oh and is Lesnar to the wwe confirmed or is it just another Lesnar/wwe rumour?

Fair point he is due a big Wrestlemania win, I'm also a big fan (also wearing my CM Punk shirt :p) but I still think there is more longevity in this storyline switching Punk back in chase mode. And as I said before, this match has the potential to steal the show regardless of who wins it!

The Pre-show is now live on and youtube :

Just seems to be recapping Cena vs Rock for now, then we have the three way tag match. Prediction there is whoever is the current tag champs will retain them. :p

Edit : Lots of rumours going around about Lesnar, latest is that his entourage are heading towards the Sun Life stadium right now. I will mark out an obscene amount if he appears at Mania.
Just seen that the Hall of Fame has been on Sky tonight, started at 10pm.
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One sign to be on the look out for! :D
Edit : Lots of rumours going around about Lesnar, latest is that his entourage are heading towards the Sun Life stadium right now. I will mark out an obscene amount if he appears at Mania.
Just seen that the Hall of Fame has been on Sky tonight, started at 10pm.

A-Train and Batista have also been spotted. That would be one hell of a coup if all three appear tonight at various points. Special guests on the "Teams" I guess. There will be a kayfabe injury and it will be a mystery fill in.
If cena does win, then full respect for the Rock for going through all this just to pass the torch on. It can't be an easy decision for one of the greatest superstars ever to accept a loss in front of his hometown fans on the biggest stage of all.

It will probably go the way of Hogan-Warrior. Epic match, hard to call, hugs and handshakes at the end.
I hope it doesn't end with a handshake, that would be terrible imo. :P
Just confirmed it on the preshow WM is kicking off with the World Title match again.
Would have preferred it if it was the WWE Champ match tbh. Get the show off to a real bang but on the other hand, seriously should have been the snozefest which will inevitably be the Kane/Orton match.
Quick trip to the bathroom and I'll be ready for this :D

Hopefully it'll be a lot better than the disapointing Royal Rumble.

Not bothered who wins really, just want to see some good wrestling. Been a fan since 94-95.
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