4 horsemen has 5 members?
Yup, them and their manager.
4 horsemen has 5 members?
Only 3 matches left? Guess it's not going the full 4 hours then.
Although the one on now is a "Couldn't care less" match
Can't help but think what it would be like if Benoit and Eddie were alive, Edge wasn't seriously injured and the Hardy Boys weren't thick. There is some serious talent that was lost and they just haven't replaced it.
and Angle didn't leave wwe.
i thought drew mcintyre got fired? also i wanna see the spinneroonie
Angle and Swagger would be fantastic.
I always wanted to see Angle/Y2J at mania.
Angle,Y2J and HBK all perform at their best at mania.
Taker/HBK/HHH hugging at the end was quite amazing. That its all over for them. They wouldn't do that that at the end unless it meant something special.
Thats 4 years these guys have worked wrestlemania's together. I'm sure HHH helped in putting the hbk/taker matches together.
Good match but didn't need to be in a cell.
Have to admit, probably the worst mania I've ever sat through apart from the taker/HHH match. Just doesn't seem like mania for some reason. Sure everything will be ok when cm punk/Y2J match is on.
I think its down to, too many ppv. HIAC,MITB and all the other pointless ppv that detract from the main ppv. Imo it should be the big four ppv and then king of the ring.
What other matches are left after this one?
just the rock and cena??
According to WrestlingObserver.com, Lesnar is currently in Miami, site of Sunday's WrestleMania 28 event. The Web site also reported an "unconfirmed" story that Lesnar has already signed a new one-year deal with WWE.