The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

Expected rock winning sets up next years wrestlmainia. Rock has already signed a deal for next year and easy to setup rematch the way storyline went.

My personal rating for this years mania 6/10. Only match I liked was the Taker and HHH one.
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No Brock is fine, I'm glad they didn't have him interrupt such a match. It'd feel like a real cop out to be hyping it for a year only to have some run in ruin it.
Expected rock winning sets up next years wrestlmainia. Rock has already signed a deal for next year and easy to setup rematch the way storyline went.

I did too nut it would have made more sense for him to loose and pass the torch. The rocks not going to be around full time and when they have their biggest full time start beaten by a part timer from yester year it makes cena look crap and hurts in the long run.
Once in a lifetime, until summerslam or another year of over-hyping for Wrestlemania 29. :p
I'm left with the usual feeling that WWE gives, disappointment.

Cole said "Best Wrestlemania ever". Nope. Still doesn't top Wrestlemania X8.
Worst mania I have personaly watched. Watched them all live since 2000 and seen the rest on video.

Every match apart from HHH/Taker was horrible, even Cena/ROCK. Just a bunch of near falls.. even HHH/taker fell victim to this but atleast they told a story in their match.

I give this mania 4/10. Just horrible.
I did too nut it would have made more sense for him to loose and pass the torch. The rocks not going to be around full time and when they have their biggest full time start beaten by a part timer from yester year it makes cena look crap and hurts in the long run.

Nah, Cena got cocky at the end and rock got him quickly with the rock bottom. It wasn't a straight knock out beat down of a win. Just makes Cena look like a fool.

Cena will probably start getting back into the title picture now. :o
I did too nut it would have made more sense for him to loose and pass the torch. The rocks not going to be around full time and when they have their biggest full time start beaten by a part timer from yester year it makes cena look crap and hurts in the long run.

Might as well flip a coin for a winner. Neither needed the win to cement themselves as icons anyway.

Remember unlike Rock, we'll be enduring many more years of super Cena, so it won't be long until this loss is forgotten about.
I don't bother buying the rest of the ppv's (only got Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania 'cos they happen to fall on my days off on the shift pattern) so it's back to watching Raw on 12x speed wishing it was 1999 again :D

6/10 at best. 'Taker and Triple H best match by far
Best Mania for years without a doubt but given last year they gave us Cena v Miz and Edge v Del Rio and the year before that Cena v Batista and Edge v Jericho that's not saying much. Taker's match once again stole the show but we've become used to that, Punk/Jericho wasn't far off though and Cena/Rock wasn't far behind that.

Biggest disappointments was obviously Bryan v Sheamus being overlooked again (maybe they'll face one another next year as well and actually get some air time) and Orton jobbing to Kane (notice how Super Cena never)

Still a very good show though 8/10
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