The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

No way, 17 is by far the best mania. It had it all.


All great matches.

Haha I just had this brought up whilst talking to someone else, I forgot about 17. :o
Although X8 had Austin/Hall, Y2J/HHH and of course Rock/Hogan. They were both great manias! ;):p
Mania 18 was a massive let down, Stone Cold was incredibly poorly booked that year and Triple H v Jericho should have never closed the show either (not that Rock v Hogan was a great match mind you)

Mania 17 will always be ruined for me because of the Austin heel turn at the end

IIRC it was Mania 20 that ended with the HBK v Triple H v Chris Benoit triple threat and had Eddie Guerrero v Kurt Angle on the undercard, from a wrestling perspective that one is hard to beat!

EDIT: just checked and it was Mania 20 and that was the year Taker came back as dead man Taker as well so that seals it for me as one of the best.
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This was a pretty good Wrestlemania, but with two exceptions imo:

Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan, I hear the original plan for this was to have Vince come out and walk round the arena telling every fan to go **** them-self before going backstage and calling everyone who ordered the PPV and telling them too. However creative decided they could get the exact same effect by doing this and save time. Las year this match was bumped off the PPV due to time constraints and was a (great by all accounts) dark match, this year it proved that "better than nothing" isn't always true.

Beth Phoenix and Eve vs. Kelly Kelly and... Whoever, On a scale of 1-10 this is a flat 0, because not only was it bad but it was a match that could actually have been one of the best of the night if they had Natalya instead of PR woman, what is it with the WWE and celebrity filler diva matches? last year they used they Snooky chick and this year they do this. When will they realise they are a world renowned brand and their stars are internationally recognised, they cannot bring mainstream attention to themselves by adding in a non wrestler that nobody outside north America has ever heard of! /rant
Go back 10 years and look at how many titles were on the line at wm2002.

WWF Intercontinental Championship
WWF European Championship
WWF Hardcore Championship
WWF Tag Team Championship
WWF Women's Championship
WWF Undisputed Championship

Then last night look at what happened.

WWE Tag Team Championship (not even on the show)
World Heavyweight Championship (joke match)
WWE Intercontinental Championship (Match wasn't even about the belt)
WWE Championship

I wish they would put more effort into the belts like the old days. Why bother having them?

The WHC has been handed around like candy.
This is the first PPV I have watched in about ten years and have to say I quite enjoyed it, the HHH/Taker and Rock's match attracted me to give it a go after watching some (reasonably) old school vids of the early 2000's WWF.
Taker looked a lot like Till Lindemann from the band Rammstein :D
The way I look at it is Wrestlemania tends to always be built around 3 matches;

Wrestlemania 27 - Miz v Cena, Edge v Del Rio & Taker v Triple H
Mania 26 - Batista v Cena, Jericho v Edge & Taker v HBK
Mania 25 - Triple H v Orton, Edge v Big Show v Cena & Taker v HBK
Mania 24 - Edge v Taker, Orton v Triple H v Cena & HBK v Ric Flair

I dont think anyone could argue that bar Mania 24 in each of those Wrestlemania's only 1 of the 3 matches actually delivered and bar Mania 24 it was always the match The Undertaker was in. Last night I dont think anyone can disagree that 3 of the 4 matches this years Mania was built around did actually deliver, yet again it was Taker's match but Punk v Jericho & Cena v Rock also easily lived up to the expectation as well. To me that makes it pretty easy to name last nights event one of the best Wrestlemania's for years
well from what I have read the reason the world title match was so short is that the WWE wanted the record for the quickest match at wrestlemainia. They didnt break it because the quickest was kane vs chavo at 8 seconds.
They could have used anyone else or any other match to do that why do it for the world title?
first wrestlemania i've watched, pretty average overall tbh. sheamus/dbryan was a joke but i'm pleased with the outcome, teddy/johnny was always obvious but i still wanted team teddy to win, diva were blah, rock/cena just about lived up to the hype
I don't get how rock cena delivered at all. Botches all the way. Your typical cena match on a big stage, nothing but the end was good, and even then, cena should have one, its once in a lifetime for a reason
I don't get how rock cena delivered at all. Botches all the way. Your typical cena match on a big stage, nothing but the end was good, and even then, cena should have one, its once in a lifetime for a reason

It makes you think if they even worked any spots before the match. You could hear The rock saying what moves he was going to do. You could hear "DDT" as clear as day.

A rock bottom through the announce table, an FU off the top rope, 3 rock bottoms, cena kicks out. No one wants to lose, both are pushing their bodies to the ultimate limits ect.

It should have been like HBK/Taker in 2009 where you didn't know who was going to win.

Didn't get any of that, it was too quick. All that music at the start could have gone into wrestling. What a joke. :(

I don't get how rock cena delivered at all. Botches all the way. Your typical cena match on a big stage, nothing but the end was good, and even then, cena should have one, its once in a lifetime for a reason

Apart from the double closeline they didn't botch anything :confused:

From a wrestling stand point it wasn't a bad match and from a story telling stand point it did it's job brilliantly I dont know what more you can ask unless you were hoping they'd go No Holds Barred which was never what this match was going to be about.
- Tonight's WWE RAW Supershow takes place from the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida with the fallout from WrestleMania 28.

Stars advertised for tonight include The Rock, John Cena, CM Punk, Chris Jericho, Big Show, Randy Orton, Sheamus, Christian, Zack Ryder and others.

No matches have been announced on TV for tonight but WWE has been hyping that the "Team Johnny Era" will begin after John Laurinaitis' team won at WrestleMania.

Matt Bloom is expected to return on tonight's show as Lord Tensai and it's believed that WWE will make some sort of announcement related to WrestleMania 29.

WWE is advertising a 10-man match for tonight's show with John Cena, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Big Show and Sheamus vs. Kane, Mark Henry, Cody Rhodes, Daniel Bryan and Chris Jericho.
I have time to think it over and heres my 2 cents on last night.

WHC: It's like it didn't happen, I mean as winning a World title at WM ever been as meaningless as that, and to put this match on first, just killed the crowd. OMG to the Yes signs, EPIC!
Kane v Orton: This always felt like these two guys didn't have a match so lets put them together, wasn't a classic, wasn't even good but was nice to see Kane win and Orton to lose clean.
Show v Rhodes: Not a terrible match and Show got his WM moment but I think again this match had no chemistry.
Diva match: PASS
Johnny v Teddy. Yawn!
Taker v HHH: WOWSERS, they took what happened last year injected it with some more awesomeness and threw it at us. Such a good match and all 3 were perfect. What a sign it was at the end for them all to go together. Tear jerkin' sort of stuff
Y2J v Punk: I think the match placing on the card was poor and maybe that led to this match not being as good as I'd hope. Take nothing away it was still a great match. I also saw the rubbing of his hair. The two best in the world doing what they do best. More please.
Rock v Cena: this was all it was ever gonna be, once in a lifetime? Let's keep it that way and not do it again. It was a special match lets not cheapen that.

Crowd: To say there was 70k plus I thought they could have been louder.

The stadium looked special though, just what WM needs to be!
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