The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

Watched Wrestlemania last night.

I was left disappointed in the end, I don't know what the WWE are trying to do with the Rock but I honestly thought Cena would win, to get him over once and for all.

I enjoyed the Taker HHH match, although they didn't need the cell at all. It wasn't utilised, and they could have done an even better job without it I think.

Having the world title match first, and it being done how it was done, was just diabolical IMO. The titles have lost their worth these days.

I enjoyed the raw vs smack down team match, it actually had some good spots and actual wrestling moves which nowadays is a rarity. The crowd wasn't digging it though.

I enjoyed the Jericho Punk match, and liked how they worked the submission moves, again, it's a rarity now.

My favourite Wrestlemania is still 17 by a long way.
Anyone notice that the Jack Daniels exploded in Jericho's hand?

You mean it was a fake bottle? :eek:

Anyone else really annoyed they stopped doing the small video packages at the end of mania? Those were just amazing videos. I couldn't imagine how talented you'd have to be to edit those videos in such a small amount of time.
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Couldn't hack another late night last night so just watched Raw (having had the news that Lesnar returned and took Cena out already spoiled) but not a bad show. Really enjoyed the CM Punk/Mark Henry match and at it's culmination was kinda hoping that that would be the next angle they put Punk in but Jericho's involvement at the end was pretty cool and we know those two will deliver on every ppv so still looking forward to their rematch

The Rock going after the wwe title will be interesting, it's obviously all set for him to compete for it next year at Wrestlemania hopefully not against Cena but then who else on the roster could be deemed a big enough opponent for The Rock at Wrestlemania these days?

Although like I say I was already told Lesnar took out Cena before watching it was kinda obvious he was the one that Lesnar would go after will just be interesting now what kind of schedule Lesnar works.... I think it's nailed on to be Lesnar v Taker next year at Mania now though.
The Rock going after the wwe title will be interesting, it's obviously all set for him to compete for it next year at Wrestlemania hopefully not against Cena but then who else on the roster could be deemed a big enough opponent for The Rock at Wrestlemania these days?

Would anyone be at all surprised for HHH to suddenly appear in the picture for such a match? :p
Gonna be weird not having taker at next years mania.

He is 47 now. HHH is 42.

:o you're talking like your opinion is fact

As far as I'm concerned it's already been confirmed Taker will not be retiring and will be at Mania next year regardless what you think
:o you're talking like your opinion is fact

As far as I'm concerned it's already been confirmed Taker will not be retiring and will be at Mania next year regardless what you think

lol, why the sour grapes. Don't think I haven't noticed your bitterness towards me on here. Have I upset you?

I can bet my house on Taker not being at mania next year.


That was what the match was called. The breaking kayfabe at the end at the top of ramp also said a lot about their future.

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OUCH! :eek:

WWE Pulls Randy Orton from The Marine 3
Date Added: April 03, 2012
Story By: Steve Carrier

- WWE has pulled Randy Orton from starring in The Marine 3: Homefront after several real Marines complained because Randy deserted them when he was in the United States Marine Corps before signing with WWE.

A WWE representative told that they demonstrated poor judgment in signing Orton for the movie.

WWE's rep told TMZ:

"Despite Randy's popularity, the fact that he was dishonorably discharged from the USMC made it inappropriate for him to be cast in this film."

Cpl. Mike Vinn, who was in a unit with Orton, became furious when he found out Orton was going to be starring in the movie. Orton received a bad conduct discharge in 1999 after going AWOL on two separate occasions and disobeying an order from a commanding officer. Orton ended up being court-martialed and served 38 days in a military prison.

Before WWE pulled Orton from the movie, Vinn told TMZ:

"I am disgusted that his face and the word Marine are being used next to each other -- real or fake -- because of the fact that he quit us, the country, and the Marine Corps. [Randy] in the role of a Marine is a disgrace to those that have worn and are wearing that uniform."
Just finished watching RAW. That was the greatest crowd ever, and made perhaps the greatest RAW in recent memory. I'm so surprised they sent Sheamus out to face them, he was only ever going to get booed, so a good job they sent out ADR to try and counter that. And the Si chants it led to were glorious.

Absolutely hated the cena promo at the end of it. The character is now so terrible, nobody wants this. My only hope is that since Lesnar just laid him out, hopefully the crowd will treat him as the face. But I'm going to bet that over the next couple of weeks he's going to be turned heel instead, so cena can be the face and overcome the odds yet again.

And I don't own any WWE merch, though I was tempted by the Best in the World shirt, but damn, I need a Yes! Shirt. Make a good design and I don't care how extortionate the shipping is.
The big question is... what happens to Bryan's character now? Previously, he was a fantastic heel with a popular chant. But after what happened at WM, they seem to have accidentally made him into a really strong face. And there's no way they could keep him heel with the 'Yes!' chants being this over. But he works best as a heel, I'm so conflicted :(

Edit: And I completely forgot about Albert!

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