The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

pretty obvious cena would win. bit of a boring match just waiting for the FU, but good for him being back in it.

HHH match was a total shock, although i was wondering were edge was i didnt expect him back. bit ****ed off edge is now champ, i hated it when he was in the undertaker fued, mainly because he never won proper and always had 5 or 6 helpers around the ring.

was the jeff hardy thing real or just story for edge to jump in? the makeup team worked their magic on jeff with the white plaster.
Jeff was a work it was all part of the angle. I think that its possible that Edge attacked Jeff to put him out of action and thats why he came out to attack him in the triple threat.

Quite annoyed actually as last time Edge had the belt SmackDown became a complete borefest. Hopefully HHH will squash him quickly :)

Best moment of the night for me was Orton hitting the RKO on Batista, the crowd were completely into it.
jeff was found unconscious at a hospital this last morning. that part was not a fake, but they bought it into the storyline.

im sure we will have a taker/HHH till RR, and then taker/edge for WM again :) (or taker HHH? or taker jeff?)
Edgeis a tool! How did he manage to get to the top? How far up McMahon's a-hole was this guy?
Like a lot of the 'superstars' he was great when he first entered the WWE(F), coming in from the crowd all broody. Now, like Kane, he's a joke.
I remember when nothing could stop the big red machine. Now that mexican midget can topple him....and whats him!? Peerrllleeeeaasssse!

Personally i think the HHH / Jeff Hardy storyline had some legs and would have been really good. To replace JH with that useless sack of offal they call Edge is a huuuuge disappointment. As far as enterainment isn't right now.
I also fail to believe how Chris Jericho with his ladyboy physique and cardboard character can beat all the best the WWE has to offer!?
Makes you wonder what goes through the management's minds when they think up these BS storylines. :rolleyes:
Kane vs Rey is possibly on of the worst feuds i've ever had the displeasure of watching to be fair. Like you said when you consider him when he made his debut and 5-6 months after that he was a complete monster and nothing would stop him. As soon as they lost the mask a few years later boom it was a downward spiral from then onwards.
yep, and he's in nowhere near the shape he was when he was masked.
I honestly can't see why they do this. Is it some vain attempt at a 'david v golliath' the weak overcoming the strong (insurmountable odds) kind of fable?
If sucks!
Edge is fantastic. the more he is int he title picture the better. one of the best fueds in a long time has been edge taker. edge is brilliant on the mic, and im glad he's back. ill take him over booring HHH/jeff anyday.
then you must be very easily pleased.
Back to the mismatch. How can you compare that gangly moron to the 'taker?
Personally i reckon HHH although admittedly fairly long in the tooth, is always in top shape, and is an excellent entertainer, in the ring and out of it.
Edge is just....just.....well.....bland really! He doesn't impress tbh, and doesn't come across as some tough guy either. My nan could take him! :D
I think edge is one of the best on the mic, then again I thought christian was hilarious too and they cut him. HHH is pretty good all round.
Anyone watched Armageddon?

We were due a good PPV, and I think this is about as close as they've come since Summerslam.

I predicted as follows (being honest here :p).

World Heavyweight Champion John Cena def. Chris Jericho
I didn't call this, I couldn't tell where they were going to take the storyline. If it wasn't for the fact that Batista won last month and then had it snatched away, i'd have gone with Cena.
It was a good match though, quite impressive but slowly began to get a bit predictable.

Jeff Hardy def. Edge & Triple H (New WWE Champion)
I never thought Jeff would win. I would have put my bank account on Edge retaining.
This was an exceptional match, certainly the best single match since HIAC, and was really superbly done. I feel for RAW, I really do, with SD having the pick of the best wrestlers in the WWE. I actually lept in the air when Jeff won, it drew me in THAT much. :D

Batista def. Randy Orton
I didn't call this one either, although if pushed i'd have gone for Orton.
It wasn't a bad match but I felt Orton carried it a little. Batista is just plain stale now and he really needs a change of pace (maybe turn heel?) to keep people interested in his matches. Otherwise it's just about watching him charge around the ring, and hit the Batista Bomb for the win.

Vladimir Kozlov def. ECW Champion Matt Hardy (Non-title)
This was the first match I called correctly, I knew that there was no way they'd break Kozlov's "unbeaten" streak against Matt Hardy. No offence, but with Kozlov shaping up to be a major threat on SD, they'd not have him lose to someone with "only" the ECW title.
The match itself was nothing special. MH is a good wrestler IMO, but this match was only ever going to be about the Moscow Meathead. It was almost a squash match tbh.

Finlay def. Mark Henry (Belfast Brawl)
I called this one correctly as well, I guessed Finlay would win as he was really due a win at a PPV.
The match itself was pretty good fun, but I quite like extreme rules and the use of weapons, although by the end the ring was pretty full! :D

CM Punk def. Rey Mysterio (Intercontinental Title Tournament Finals)
I actually thought Rey would win this, but then I wasn't aware of the fact that Punk had just lost his Tag title the night before.
This was also a match worth watching, both Punk and Rey are good fighters, and evenly matched.
We were due a good PPV, and I think this is about as close as they've come since Summerslam.

100% agree. With the exception of 1 or 2 the last 7 or 8 have been extremely poor. Some very good matches that worked well. I even managed to stick through the Finlay v Henry match despite not liking them and you said it was actully quite a fun match in the end. Punk v Rey was very good and Rey took a sore one for the GTS, which was unfortunately not the first time Punk has bust a nose doing it. Didn't like the outcome of the Cena v Jericho match, so much so that I immediately stormed off to the kitchen for a drink shaking my head saying several expletives.

Hardy winning was brilliant and I'm glad they have at least gave him a shot. I imagine he will have lost it by Wrestlemania though with, probably to Edge at the Rumble(complete guess obviously!!). My interest has been revived heavily by this PPV as I lost faith over the last few months.
Didn't like the outcome of the Cena v Jericho match, so much so that I immediately stormed off to the kitchen for a drink shaking my head saying several expletives.

I haven't seen it yet, might catch the repeat, but what didn't you like about it? The fact that Cena won? You a Jericho fan? Or was it just car crash wrestling?

W T H is Edge still around? He's so unconvincing at anything other than being a jerk!
W T H is Edge still around? He's so unconvincing at anything other than being a jerk!

Yeah but there's nobody in the WWE who does it better.

I think the WWE would be a lot more boring without Edge, and dare I say it, Vickie. Admittedly i've only gotten into wrestling in the past year or so, but i've been told by various people that the Edge 'Taker feud was one of the best of the past few years. And that's not just down to 'Taker being the legend he is - Edge had to build himself as the definitive heel.

I also read that Edge didn't want to take time off but was ordered to by the WWE board - leading to his exit at Summerslam. Basically, he liked it at the "top" and didn't want anyone to take his place while he was gone. By HIAC he was risking burnout and injury quite seriously though.
aah ok.
Still think he's a tw@ though.
WWE has a skill for turning great characters into idiots after a while.
Just look at Kane! once an unbeleivably formiddable force, now....gets beaten by a mexican midget!
I'll bet that once Koslov actually does lose, then his character will go downhill and everyone will end up beating him too.
Makes you wonder sometimes.
Totally agree with the Kane and Koslov analogy above.

Nowadays they seem to pin the belt on whoever is getting the loudest pops when they come out to wrestle and at this point in time it seemed to be Jeff. I'll be interested to see who took him out in the hotel angle.

CM Punk was always going to beat the circus freak that is Mysterio, he had just dropped the tag belts at a house show which opened him up perfectly for an Intercontinental run.

I thought Orton vs Batista was a good matchup but i must agree with Tute in the sense that Orton carried it somewhat. Was very annoyed when Priceless got sent to the back very early on and then the match ending panned out very predictable with a few missed RKO's and Bombs and then a somewhat decent transition from the roped to the Bomb.

Koslov match was average and again i agree with Tute they wouldn't break the streak for somebody like Matt Hardy! Finlay and Henry was another average match with a nice hardcore style twist that i enjoyed.

Lastly, SuperCena prevailed once again. I would have killed to put it back on Jericho because i think hes a brilliant heel at the top only rivaled by Orton but since Orton is not in the title picture i'll take Jericho anydays :)
just finished watching this, certainly was one of the best ppv for a good while.

its about time hardy got the belt now i hope he keeps it for mor than a week or two. i actually thought HHH would win it again.
Quick question about tag team wrestling.

Why do they allow things like breaking up of pins, running in, general dodgy play?

When they're in the middle of a normal match, it wouldn't be allowed, so why is it allowed here? For me, it just really degrades from trying to watch proper wrestling.
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