Yeah I've zero interest in seeing even less of Bork :/
NXT is the only reason I keep the network subbed!
If we had the Brock from his first run that actually was interesting to watch I'd be all for him staying. This Brock does the bare minimum, shows up a couple of times a month (at most) and really doesn't look as if he wants to be there. Why in the hell that deluded fool Vince again re-signed him to a yet unknown term is beyond me.
Did he not hear the "this is awful" chants last night? So far Brock had gotten away with this "suplex city" crap, now it seems as if the casual fans are clueing into the fact he's just a lazy slob.
Last night Brock done 3 moves multiple times and that was it, German suplex, belly to back suplex (one of these was botched sending reigns face first into the table) and f5. Reigns wasn't any better with superman punch after superman punch and multiple spears. You could count the combined total of moves of them both from that match on one hand FFS, and THAT was their main event? It boggles the mind how it managed to get that spot.
I'm glad the crowd dumped all over it but the sad fact is it has yet again fallen on deaf ears. Vince lives in his own little bubble and is totally clueless to what people really think as his army of yes men deflect any criticism that he might possibly hear about.