the go-home tv shows were utter gash. the Raw confrontation was "let's say 'Ronda freaking Rowsey' as many times as we can", the DB/Shane thing just made me cringe w/ that horrifically long awkward silence. SD was about 1.5 hr of recap, Raw disrespected 2 matches by suddenly just splitscreening the action w/ adverts for WM and the other show, Bayley/Sonia was absolute amateur hour and SmackLive i eventually just turned off in bordeom.
Exactly why i basically just watch the highlight clips on YouTube, the entire show has been a farce for years now, i really only bother with some of the ppv's and that's it. They simply have got too much tv time with all the shows they have and it wore thin many years ago, 3 hours of raw and they struggle to fill it with anything interesting. It just amazes me that after all these years raw STILL starts with a 20 minute gum flapping session that gets boring after 2 minutes.
Then after the hype of his entrance we see him be the same old, past it wrestler 5 minutes into the match =/ He just doesn't work smart, even Hogan when he was still wrestling at an older age than undertaker paced himself so he wasn't requiring an oxygen tank a few minutes in, Taker must still think he's in his 20's with the way he tries to perform in matches.
I'm putting this out there, but.....I wonder if cena will be Braun tag partner at WM? I wonder if they're leaving it as late as possible to see if undertaker can physically do it anymore? This way cena still gets a WM fight and be huge for Braun too.
There's very little interesting me in this year's mania card which is a shame. Also it's gonna be on for ages!
YupHere we go, anyone watching?