The BumblBuild-[Scratch Build]

I'd totally go for that if I were you! I have to say this just keeps getting better and better!
Thanks :D
More painting, but it's looking good. Might involve more mounting holes in the frame, but it's not the end of the world.

That top one looks boss, because its so different!

Actually no, they both look boss! :D

Well the top and bottom picks are the same, I just removed the pipework that hid the MoBo :)

On A wider note, that latest pick has a yellow band on both ends.
This is a result of feedback from the Parvum boys on the paneling.
Personally, I don't like it. I found the all black with 2 lines nice.

There's 2 schools of thought in my head, One I can add more detail, more honeycombing to the case.
But this would go against the minimalist, almost industrial look of the pipe work.

I have Ideas, Would people be up for me sprawling some designs? I know this detracts from the 'Build'
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That's a hard one, because honey comb would suite the build very much. But as you said the industrial look plays a big part in this case, maybe honey combing some metal across some of the edges, not all of them but like little bits growing from the corner, so it looks like bumbles are been honey combing. :D

(That probably made no sense :p)

Do you have a 3D model template for your design? I'm not particularly great at CAD, but could see if I could help out with some designs (Granted they won't be great, but could be groundwork for something bigger and better)
Wow, this is an impressively solid build. How much does the case weigh at the moment?

Looking forward to the finished item!
That's a hard one, because honey comb would suite the build very much. But as you said the industrial look plays a big part in this case, maybe honey combing some metal across some of the edges, not all of them but like little bits growing from the corner, so it looks like bumbles are been honey combing. :D

(That probably made no sense :p)

Do you have a 3D model template for your design? I'm not particularly great at CAD, but could see if I could help out with some designs (Granted they won't be great, but could be groundwork for something bigger and better)

I have models, but I'd rather try myself for a few designs, maybe down the line I'll get some help.
hope you understand.

Wow, this is an impressively solid build. How much does the case weigh at the moment?

Looking forward to the finished item!
I look forward to it too :p
I'm unsure, but at least 15Kg just the metal off the top of my head.

A little update from today's progress:

-Adjust feet holes so the feet attach.
-cut and file the rad mounts for airflow
-file the pillars to make the rads less 'snug'
-cut and file the PSU hole.
-sand case
-Paint case
-Polish feet

need to Add
-cut metal mobo tray.

Can't think of much more progress, one piece of advice for everyone though:
have the item you're drilling mounting holes for THERE when you drill!

I have had to needle file adjust EVERY DAMN HOLE! :mad:
problems of using a shared workshop, have to bring it all with me and take it away.

Until next time, thanks for reading :)
I'm unsure, but at least 15Kg just the metal off the top of my head.
Wowee, that gives a new meaning to a solid case!

I have had to needle file adjust EVERY DAMN HOLE! :mad:
Been there, done that, felt the pain and learned the lesson. I still repeat the mistake at least once a year...

problems of using a shared workshop, have to bring it all with me and take it away.
Out of interest, how do you find a shared workshop you can use? I've been looking for one for carpentry, but had no luck yet.
Wowee, that gives a new meaning to a solid case!
haha, It's a bit overkill :P
I can pick it up from any bit and there's no bend or warp, it moves as a solid unit.

I recon it'd take a drop and beat the floor :p

Been there, done that, felt the pain and learned the lesson. I still repeat the mistake at least once a year...
yeah, I added a few new my hand
Out of interest, how do you find a shared workshop you can use? I've been looking for one for carpentry, but had no luck yet.
I was pointed to one by a guy at work when I was looking into getting something milled, I got pointed at a great one in edinburgh that has a CNC mill, laser cutter, 3d printer etc. Where abouts are you based? I'll ask when I'm there, there's a fair few dotted around that they communicate with to bulk buy/share resources
I like this more and more :) Sorry if I missed it, but do you have any fancy illumination plans?

As for the yellow tray/floor, I like it, though I'm not sure if it would detract slightly from the contrast that the tubing/coolant would have with an all black backdrop and how it would affect things with lighting reflection if that makes sense?
I like this more and more :) Sorry if I missed it, but do you have any fancy illumination plans?

As for the yellow tray/floor, I like it, though I'm not sure if it would detract slightly from the contrast that the tubing/coolant would have with an all black backdrop and how it would affect things with lighting reflection if that makes sense?

Glad you like it :)

The yellow floor is a throwback from the earlier design, with the yellow mobo tray I was considering putting a black one in instead.

Lighting plans Are sort of up in the air.
After a comment to Mayhems who said that UV yellow comes out very green I shelved the lighting plans, I've got masses of UV lights from a previous project sitting in a drawer so I'd hoped to use that.
I was pointed to one by a guy at work when I was looking into getting something milled, I got pointed at a great one in edinburgh that has a CNC mill, laser cutter, 3d printer etc. Where abouts are you based? I'll ask when I'm there, there's a fair few dotted around that they communicate with to bulk buy/share resources
I'm north of Oxford, so somewhere round there would be great. We're meant to be getting a maker centre in Oxford later next year which I'm very much looking forward to!

15KG. :o That is a heavy case indeed. :D

Wow that's a border-line hernia maker there
haha, yeah, It's a bit of a handful :D

I'm north of Oxford, so somewhere round there would be great. We're meant to be getting a maker centre in Oxford later next year which I'm very much looking forward to!

Alright, well it's a Hackspace(Hacklab) that I'm using, Great wee thing to go to, loads of guys to share tips etc.

Right it's time for an update:

I have been to the workshop.....
I have broken all my dremel blades, the hacksaw was useless and the jigsaw had no suitable blade.

With that in mind I was forced so cut the MoBo tray by bending it against some aluminium bar with my hands (note: Never do that again)
some drilling later and I Have:

yay :)
Needs painted yellow, and I need a couple finishing touches but another Item off the old list:

-Adjust feet holes so the feet attach.
-cut and file the rad mounts for airflow
-file the pillars to make the rads less 'snug'
-cut and file the PSU hole.
-cut metal mobo tray.
-sand case
-Paint case
-Polish feet

We Are getting there :p

The next problem to tackle is the rad mounts.... They've taken some work, I have grown to hate them for what they've put me through. But Here is one with only it's mounting holes:

Here is one with part of it cut away for increased airflow:

That took 2 dremel blades and I still need another 15mm off either sides of the mounting holes :(

I plan to Drill it, lots of big holes, file it flat (god damn I hate filing now :p )
So more to do, pushing this build back....I wanna turn on the shiny things!!!

On another note, I had planned to show off a selection of design it is I've only done one.
So Here's an attempt at some further detailing on the case:

Let me know what you think :)

Thanks for reading :D
1st seems the most popular.

Gonna take some design work hahaha, lots of fiddly inlay

I'm thinking I'll need 2 drains aswell

I have one by the pump, but due to the 'box like' nature It'll be hard to drain without going mental with flipping the case :(

I recon it'll have minimal effect on the design as the window is asymmetric I can hide it

I've been to the lab, cut some metal in one of the most hap-hazard way I could:
By drilling lots of holes :D

then using a vice I broke them off, I think they look like cable combs:

It needs filed, but one step closer :D
Improvised cutting at it's best. :p

Nice one man.

Best? worst?
It was the quickest :p

I can only access the workshop on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
So without purchasing items this was all I could do.

TBH I want this frame done, painted and PC in
panels are nice, but I can USE the pc without them, I can get the watercooling all in etc.

The psu hole is off..... 1.5mm I reckon, I'll need to try the superflower but my gut says no dice.
I'll just add a washer and move the base down, file the holes over a touch (Note to self, melt those evil files in a furnace when this is over)
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