*** The Car Cleaning Thread ***

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It doesn't really, I should have worded it better. What I meant to get across is that I don't have the funds some of you guys do to spend on the more expensive/exotic solutions that are available.
Fair enough, you don't need to spend a fortune on products though. For almost every fancy expensive detailing product on the market, there is a cheap alternative which does exactly the same job but without the marketing hyperbole.
Looks like the week off work I have to really give the car a good going over is going to be completely ruined by the rubbish weather in this boring, dull country.

I'm considering getting a DAS-6 but don't know what polish and pads to use on my Seat's "Can't believe its not butter" paint I have SRP, is this good enough?
Are you for real?
Yes, thats why I'm asking for advice. I know SRP isn't a true polish.

--EDIT. Thanks Clarkey. I got all the info @#1973 onwards from Fett & Fox dialogue. Please delete this and previous post, if possible to tidy up this informative thread.
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Ok maybe you just didn't see it but move back a page or two and there was an extensive discussion of exactly this for Fox. Paint hardness is irrelevant, always start out mild and step up if the correction level isn't good enough.
Stupid money for an above average product.

But arent they free ?

You get a pot of wax for £2k, but unlimited free refills.

The question is are you going to use a whole pot, in which case its free, or are you going to dip into it and sell it and then claim it, in which case it makes you money (i wouldnt do this, but i know people who do).
But arent they free ?


only royale is "free."

There are loads of other zymol waxes which dont give lifetime refill and only cost a couple of hundread as opposed to several thousand.

and even then, you get enough lifetime to last an individual a lifetime. You have to be waxing a lot of cars to need a refill.

Heres our favourite astra owning obsessive to show how much you get


(he know owns a liquid green RS incidentally)
Right first chance to do my car today this year properly.

Went through my usual wash routine (snow foam 2 bucket method etc, then gave it a good claying on the bottom half (couldn't trust the weather to hold out to go all over). Cleaned up the whole car with megs paint cleaner after claying, gave it a layer of SRP as I just cannot be bothered to machine polish it again ever :( Finally I went over it with a new wax I recently got CG Petes 53. Which is a really great wax, easy to apply and came off easily after 10-15 mins of curing, and seems to have given the blue a lovely shine. Obviously finished off the rest of it with CG new look trim gel, some autosol on the exhaust tips and a layer of carlack53 sealant on the wheels. The results are as below.

Click for higher res. Please excuse my terrible photography skills i'm a point and click man.

[TW]Fox;16180027 said:
Looks like the week off work I have to really give the car a good going over is going to be completely ruined by the rubbish weather in this boring, dull country.


Rent a tent and man up :)




So..... I bought a Silverline Rotary polisher http://shop.autobritedirect.co.uk/silverline-silverstorm-rotary-polisher-1200w-motor-550-p.asp

Menz Polishes x 3 (different grades) and 2 Menz Pads.

I used them on my Z4 precisely zero times.

I kept on putting it off until the summer and now I replaced it with a Silver 330ci. With it being silver swirl marks aren't noticeable and I haven't got the will power to polish this car when I know the end result is only going to be, a Silver 330ci thats just a tiny little bit more shiny that before :p

Which basically means that my polisher was just a big waste of money and apart from a couple of practices on the GF's car :o it hasn't been used.
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