Gave my car a full correction here's my method and ingredients:
Wash using 2 bm and Autoglym shampoo and Sheepskin woolen wash mitt.
Wash again using Autobrite citrus degreaser to remove any remaining containments.
Clay with megs cay and megs last touch detailing spray 50:50 with water.
Correction using cheap ebay rotary polisher and menzerna intensive polish.
IPA wipedown.
Polish and glaze with Autobrite cherry glaze, 2 coats.
Wax with Autobrite Black Magic, 2 coats.
Used SRP to do the glass, I accidentally got some on some glass once and was impressed how it came up so always use this except for the windscreen. Doesn't smear but dries then you can buff off.
Autobrite Pink Sheen on the dash and plastics.
Quick squirt with Autobrite Bubblegum deodoriser on the inside fabrics.
I've got the wheels to clean and polish yet, will use virosol to clean and then Collinite 845 to protect the alloys and Autobrite Berry Blast on the tyres.
Some of the products I used:
Video showing sheeting: