*** The Car Cleaning Thread ***

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I just need a bit of advice please. I have SRP, EPG and Meguiars Cleaner Wax, which is the correct order of application? I was thinking SRP, EPG and then the cleaner wax but I was told to leave the cleaner wax out.
Cleaner wax? I don't think you can have a cleaner wax :p or do you mean wax remover/pre-wax detailer ?

If so then That first, then SRP then EGP

Prep > Polish > Seal
Yes BBC BETA! says it's going to be dry here tomorrow too with 9.5mph winds, should be good for a wash as I've not cleaned mine in a few weeks now!
I just need a bit of advice please. I have SRP, EPG and Meguiars Cleaner Wax, which is the correct order of application? I was thinking SRP, EPG and then the cleaner wax but I was told to leave the cleaner wax out.

Meguiar's Cleaner Wax does indeed contain cleaner and is meant to be a 1 step product, it will strip off anything underneath it is designed to polish and wax at the same time. The correct order with the products you own would be SRP then use EPG to seal it OR just use Meg's Cleaner Wax as a standalone product after washing.
God dam it, I was in the middle of removing the first coat of polish and the condensation started to settle on the car making it impossible to remove! Its due to rain tomorrow so that rules that out for tomorrow. Will it be OK to leave until Tuesday? Will it be easy to remove or will I have to re polish the panels which still have the polish on?
Probably not the best idea to leave it on because it could leave marks which will be harder to remove, they will go but will require much more elbow work!.

Washed and hoovered mine today, weatherman said drizzle from 6pm but it's already started lightly so lucky!

The 476s is still doing it's thing, after shapooing during rinse the water was just rolling off the panels!
i Spent most of saturday sprucing my car up, dont think its been washed for over a month!

good thing about silver it doesnt show a lot of the crud up

wheel arches were a bit mucked up but not too bad over all

after, doesnt look much different really but i think you can see a bit of shine on it


I washed it down with a hose first to get the bits off then a first wash then rinse and washed again. dried off with a good chamois and them polished. left to dry off while i went for a drink, then cleaned the windows with rain repelent and then on to the trims, used back to black on the plastics and some tyre shine on the wheels. the alloys werent too bad so the main wash cleaned them ok. dusted inside the car and thet finished the cleaning prosess.

All products used were Halfrauds own
Just a quick newbie question. I use SRP and EGP nearly every week. Will polishing the paint every week cause any damage if using decent application pads?
Polish is a light abrasive which technically takes an extremely thin layer of paint off your car, so in theory if you polish enough then you will go through the clearcoat. However SRP is not that abrasive and has more fillers than anything else.

Don't bother polishing it so often, just put a good coat of wax on it and it will be fine, if you really want to do something to it every week, add another layer of wax. No reason to polish it again if theres no imprefections to get rid of.
Yeah I used to do mine every few weeks with srp/egp but later found out that my applicator pads (halfords) were a bit rubbish so the polish and seal wasn’t being properly applied to the body so wasn’t lasting very long. Megs pads solved this :)
Is there any reason why you're stripping off the protection every week and redoing it? Applying SRP which contains cleaner would effectively strip the wax coating.

Once the bodywork is cleaned and prepped with a layer of wax, you dont need to polish it till the wax coat wears off. Do what Qeffects said and just wash and layer another coat of wax if you are itching to do something.
webmonkeyuk, you appear to have posted the before pics twice ;).

Only joking, looks great.

Wish i had the day off today would have been perfect for getting another layer of wax on before the winter.
to get the most out of auto glym - wash your car, clay it, SRP it and then add 4 or 5 layers of EGP, leaving 24 hours between coats
Hi all, hope I may ask for some advice. Now that I've got my first car, I'd really like to give it a somewhat decent clean. Unfortunately I can't really afford all the cool stuff many of you guys have been using, although the results do look awesome. But at the same time, I want to go a bit further than the usual bucket-of-soapy-water-and-a-sponge that most people would use.

Can anyone recommend a few good products, sponges, clothes etc that would produce a decent result but not cost too much? I've got a few scratches on the bodywork I also want to get rid of, and a scuff mark on the bumper. Would also be nice to get the plastic rubbing strips on the doors looking black again.

Any help is much appreciated, thanks. :)
This would be a start (priced at cleanyourcar.co.uk):

Huge 38" x 28" Microfibre Drying Towel HUGD1 £8.47 £8.47
Sonus Sheepskin Wash Mitt VK-103 £6.77 £6.77
Meguiars Shampoo Plus D11101 £12.72 £12.72
Subtotal: £27.96
VAT: £4.89

*Shipping: n/a

Basket Total:

Then if you want to go further look at getting meguiars quik clay kit, and probably some auto glym super resin polish would be your best bet for your needs. You'd also need a foam applicator pad and microfibre buffing towel for the polish. On top of that you could add a wax or sealant, but would need to know the colour of the car to be more specific with that. For the black plastic, the best product is 303 Aerospace Protectant :)
Finally got the proper winter detail out of the way today with Meg's Shampoo, SRP and 2 coats of collinite 476s. Heart sank when it started snowing after I waxed the roof and 1 side of the car, but luckily it only lasted 5 min or so.

I am also thinking of treating myself to the Swissvax entry kit for xmas, which contains their shampoo, cleaner fluid, tyre dressing and most importantly the Best of Show wax. Anyone with Swissvax experience care to comment on their ease of use and the results? The BOS wax has been highly regarded by a lot of people.
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tryed to clean my car today, gave it a snowfoam and a rinse. Went and packed away some of my bits of gear, and came back and the water had frozen onto the car.

Had to nip inside and get the keys for the car and leave it running to warm it up. Only then could i actually dry it.

And i appear to have made a nice ice rink on the road of frozen snowfoam too.

oops :D
This would be a start (priced at cleanyourcar.co.uk):

Huge 38" x 28" Microfibre Drying Towel HUGD1 £8.47 £8.47
Sonus Sheepskin Wash Mitt VK-103 £6.77 £6.77
Meguiars Shampoo Plus D11101 £12.72 £12.72
Subtotal: £27.96
VAT: £4.89

*Shipping: n/a

Basket Total:

Then if you want to go further look at getting meguiars quik clay kit, and probably some auto glym super resin polish would be your best bet for your needs. You'd also need a foam applicator pad and microfibre buffing towel for the polish. On top of that you could add a wax or sealant, but would need to know the colour of the car to be more specific with that. For the black plastic, the best product is 303 Aerospace Protectant :)

Thanks for that, much appreciated. Will look into ordering some stuff this week and see what I can do. :)
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