*** The Car Cleaning Thread ***

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:D "dirt" and "my car" don't go together :p

On another note, anyone used collinite 476s on their windows/windscreen? it's amazingly good, better than RainX and lasts much longer too I'd say.

Just remember when applying it to buff it off with an MFT before it dries - the seal will rub into the glass and buff away leaving a 100% streak free finish and surface that beads of water and looks pretty when driving ^_^
Not really a fan of oil based products on windows, I use a synthetic polish. Normally only on windows without wipers due to the annoying noise it can make, but I've found werkstat acrylic polish to work amazingly even on windows with wipers...the only product in the known universe to stop the wipers on my dads porsche from squeeking
Which is why the last time I washed it was almost 3 weeks ago :p

I went through a stage of washing it and leaving it wet, but i'd only do it when it was going to rain, so that i didn't have to worry about.. water marks the following day :D

Promptly stopped that when it started to freeze over, but i've noticed now with a silver car it shows up so much more muck & grime :(
Cleaned mine yesterday as I hadn't done it for 3 or 4 weeks. Had to visit a client this morning in a tiny village which is only accessible by a single track road... car is somewhat dirty again now with the conditions we've had recently!

Good fun driving though :cool:
I washed mine anyway today, results are superb, maybe even the best I've gotten yet :p

It started spitting with some rain earlier so have an obligatory beed pic:

Well yeah, especially when returning to the car in a carpark for example and your trouser leg rubs against the side then later on in the day you wonder htf your trouser leg got so dirty!
simple question for you guys, whats the difference between polish & wax & which is best to use. i normally wash my car then use color magic polish, theres no need to polish the car after every wash is there?
basically, the word polish traditionally refers to an abrasive paint cleaner, while a wax is a protectant coat. Although in recent times the word polish has been used out of context, for example with auto glym super resin polish which is really a chemical cleaner with pretty much no abrasives.

Polishing your car shouldn't be done too often, especially with the abrasive versions, maybe twice a year or so keeping the protectant layer topped up (wax/sealant)
about £30 max id say. car is silver which is a nightmare to keep clean in this weather

with silver sealants tend to be the best bet, something like chemical guys jet seal 109 or blackfire wet diamond would be great... (werkstat acrylic or zaino are the best but for the kit it's a bit out of your price range) or if you want to go down the wax route, probably Dodo juice diamond white or banana armour would be my choice
Bought some snow foam stuff and gave it a try this afternoon. Seems to work pretty well and made removing the crap a lot easier with a hose so you don't need to use a sponge as much. Even where you use a sponge/cloth, it comes off right away so should help to prevent scratches.




Apply snow foam liberally ;)




Rinse off with hose and clean with Meguairs Gold Class cleaner like normal




Spent hours on mine on sunday - snow foam, then with buckets/mitt, and then sealant. It was looking brilliant afterwards!

Went out last night around some country roads and everywhere i turned there was mud all over the road from tractors. We went to a pub, i got out of the car and it was in a worse state than it was before i had cleaned it!
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