*** The Car Cleaning Thread ***

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oops, i just washed my car because it was not blue anymore. Looks great till you get to the roof, where its a slab of ice. thankfully it was clean water, i run my drying towl over it which thined out the water that instantly turned to ice. Didnt think it was THAT cold. :eek:. Oh well probably last wash till Feb/March.

On another note, this is my first wash since getting new tyres. I noticed that the weights have been removed and new ones put in other places to balance them, however the glue is still there, what would be best to get that off with? :confused:
2 coats of megs #16 and 2 coats of megs mirror glaze =





and bloody cold hands!
Can somone give me an idea of whats the best way to get years worth of gunk off the inside of car windows, Cleaning with window solution justmakes them shine. I want to remove all the grease etc that builds up.
I didn't get round to cleaning my car before the worst of the cold weather started this year, and it seems kind of pointless now as its gonna be frosty every morning and the roads are so covered in grime, it would look clean for all of a day or so. Instead, I might leave it and see how dirty I can get it over winter.

Need to beat last years effort...


ive gone from this

to giving my car a good wash today and a once over with the hose before i pop it in the garage at night. Gona give it a polish next time im off work too.

The main reason i never cleaned my car over winter is because all my miles are done on either country/farm roads or motoways so it gets very muddy very quickly, but ive realised giving it a quite scoosh with the hose to get the worst of it off takes all of 5 minutes before i put it to bed.
I didn't get round to cleaning my car before the worst of the cold weather started this year, and it seems kind of pointless now as its gonna be frosty every morning and the roads are so covered in grime, it would look clean for all of a day or so. Instead, I might leave it and see how dirty I can get it over winter.

Need to beat last years effort...



how much time would it take to just blast off the loose stuff with a pressure washer once a week? then it would never build up that fast
I did used to do that every so often because that picture was taken outside my uni....it was driving up and down the A2 every day last winter to get there that caused the build up. So I used to give under the chassis a once over with the pressure washer just to clear the salt and grit off. The pressure washer I have wouldn't shift that lot off though.
I recommend nobody drives to Guildford this season, your car will end up like this ¬_¬


I won't show you the front :O
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