*** The Car Cleaning Thread ***

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Anyone use TFR to do a bulk of the work for the bottom sections of the car?

Finding it takes me far too long with snow foam, I am really wondering if it is actually doing anything or just looking good. I'm using Avalanche.

I put quite a bit of avalanche in, and still not cleaning very well I find. I'm wondering if the autobrite is worth it (people here seem to be using it) or whether a pressure wash rinse over the entire car then a wash is worth it.

I don't mind spending time on the car, but literally within a week it is filthy again?!

Also bought the bilt hamber wheel cleaner, am not impressed to be honest in terms of doing a good job without having to agitate...

Does anyone know what I can use to fully get rid of any previous wax/sealant on the car? I want to get rid of everything, then clay, then wax. Thanks

go try koch chem green star really good at cleaning but just need to find it as its sold out in uk at the mo or dificult to find
I felt the same. It definitely made cleaning the car 'easier' and i was happy knowing that I was doing my best not to create any more swirl damage however the whole process of getting the kit out etc makes washing the car more of a chore.

I always use a pressure to wash the car anyway so doesn't make it that much harder. Wiped down a few areas with a microfibre towel straight after foaming, and not much dirt came off on the microfibre. So it did a good job of getting the salt and muck off, especially on the rear/front end. If anything I think I managed to wash + dry the car in about an hour using the snow foam + car shampoo with a wash mitt, which is quick for me.
I normally use ValetPro Citrus Prewash diluted 6:1 on the lower half of the car and the whole back, and leave that to dwell for 5 minutes before pressure washing it off. I find that this effectively cuts through the worst of the muck, especially at this time of year getting off all the salt.

Once I've pressure washed it all off I then snow foam the whole car, before rinsing off the wheels and then cleaning the them. It normally takes me 30-40 minutes to clean the wheels, after which the snow foam is pressure washed off and then I two bucket wash the car.

By the time I've done the first two steps (pre-wash then snow foam) the car looks superficially clean, so if I'm rushed for time I'll sometimes leave it at that.

I use this process on every wash as it minimises the amount of contact washing that's required, thus reducing the risk of any damage to the paintwork. It also makes the hand wash extremely easy work.
For anyone debating whether or not snowfoam is actually worth it, or indeed does anything, meet my sister's 107 that hadn't been washed in 5 months...



And here is the results from a 1:10 dilution with 10 mins dwell time...



Yeah, I'm aware colours are washed out. My poor photography combined with the fact the paint is trashed and faded :(

Final product after 2BM, and a quick wax:



I'd definitely say its worth it. Not only was the majority of the dirt moved, but it would have been impossible not to marr the paint without a prewash using a standard 2BM. Honestly, for a well protected car (good wax/coating), a snowfoam is pretty much all you need for maintenance purposes.
I've wondered about using TFR and Snowfoam, but isn't it quite harsh on polish and risks stripping it off?
I've wondered about using TFR and Snowfoam, but isn't it quite harsh on polish and risks stripping it off?

Depends on the dilution and what TfL it is. I find auto finesse citrus apc good but definitely strips wax. I imagine if you dilute it down then it won't strip wax.

At the same time though, if you're car is well maintained and waxed then in theory you shouldn't need anything strong like TFR because a simple rinse or pressure wash should be enough.
Just picked up a VW Move UP in Pure white. I was told they treated it for fallout and washed it but didn't polish it, as the salesperson new I was concerned they would inflict swirls.
Would like to get some protection on it tomorrow what would you recommend ?
was thinking start with the following as I can get these locally
Autobright Magifiaom
Maguiars gold class car wash and conditioner (Using two bucket method)
(check for contaminants hoping won't have any)
Maguiars gold class liquid wax

would this be sufficient Immediate protection ?

I've used Maguires and Autoglym stuff for years, but I am guessing there is better stuff out there? So what would people suggest for:

1: Foam for my foam pot lance thingy on Karcher
2: Suds for me bucket
3: Detailer thingy for quick polishy
4: Scratch remover
5: Good wax
Need some wheel cleaner for my S2000. Dragons breath, iron X or purple rain? Or they all the same?

M3 was owned by a detailer which makes washing a joy as its coated with Gteqniq on wheels and windows and body is kamikaze ism pro. This stuff lasts 3 years apparently

I've used Iron X personally and found it to be really good.


Brought my old WRX wheels up a treat from having hard to shift brake dust in all the nooks and crannies.
I use Dragons Breath and it's awesome, really good stuff. Even stuff that you're convinced will take some scrubbing to get off will just rinse off after 5 minutes of it being applied
I've used Maguires and Autoglym stuff for years, but I am guessing there is better stuff out there? So what would people suggest for:

1: Foam for my foam pot lance thingy on Karcher
2: Suds for me bucket
3: Detailer thingy for quick polishy
4: Scratch remover
5: Good wax

1. Bilt Hamber Auto Foam. You can't really do better than that for the price. Or Krystal Kleen Detail Blizzard (normal or extreme)

2. I currently use Car Chem 1900:1. Suds up brilliantly and cleans well. Or Bilt Hamber Autowash. Very very economical and suds up a lot.

3. If you just want a couple of weeks/months of beading and protection, either Sonax BSD, or Bouncers Bead Juice. BSD is spray and wipe, while bead juice is spray on and pressure wash off. Bead Juice will last longer. If you want almost a waterless wash, I'd highly recommend ONR. That stuff does almost anything you could ask it to do.

4. Can't really get better at removing scratches by hand by using Meguiars Ultimate Compound. By machine its a different story with multiple pads and compounds and polishes.

5. Depends what you are after. For long term protection for a decent price, it'd be hard to beat Collinite 476s, 815 or Soft99 Fusso. For a show wax, I'd pick Obsession Was Phaenna.

Just picked up a VW Move UP in Pure white. I was told they treated it for fallout and washed it but didn't polish it, as the salesperson new I was concerned they would inflict swirls.
Would like to get some protection on it tomorrow what would you recommend ?
was thinking start with the following as I can get these locally
Autobright Magifiaom
Maguiars gold class car wash and conditioner (Using two bucket method)
(check for contaminants hoping won't have any)
Maguiars gold class liquid wax

would this be sufficient Immediate protection ?


That will work to start you off. I haven't actually used Good Class Liquid Wax but have heard good things about it. Are you just using it to wait on a decent long term wax? If so, you could get a spray sealant/detailer like BSD. EuroCarParts sells it quite cheap, especially with the weekend30 code.

Did I mention I am a massive fan of BSD? :p
I've used Maguires and Autoglym stuff for years, but I am guessing there is better stuff out there? So what would people suggest for:

1: Foam for my foam pot lance thingy on Karcher
2: Suds for me bucket
3: Detailer thingy for quick polishy
4: Scratch remover
5: Good wax

1) Get a proper foam lance, for the foam I can only recommenced Autobrite Magifoam
2) Take your pick, I use Autoglym shampoo and conditioner because its great stuff and cheap (so I just chuck a glob in the bucket rather than measure it out with nasa grade equipment)
3) Any rapid detailer will do you, I like the smell of Autoglyms :D
4) Depends on the level of scratches G3 Scratch Remover for anything deep, G3 Paint Renovator for touchups.
5) Bilt hambers doublespeed wax is a good balance between ease of application and durability.
The karcher one is actually surprisingly good, and can produce nice thick foams with the right products - Magifoam, for example.
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