Anyone use TFR to do a bulk of the work for the bottom sections of the car?
Finding it takes me far too long with snow foam, I am really wondering if it is actually doing anything or just looking good. I'm using Avalanche.
I put quite a bit of avalanche in, and still not cleaning very well I find. I'm wondering if the autobrite is worth it (people here seem to be using it) or whether a pressure wash rinse over the entire car then a wash is worth it.
I don't mind spending time on the car, but literally within a week it is filthy again?!
Also bought the bilt hamber wheel cleaner, am not impressed to be honest in terms of doing a good job without having to agitate...
Does anyone know what I can use to fully get rid of any previous wax/sealant on the car? I want to get rid of everything, then clay, then wax. Thanks
go try koch chem green star really good at cleaning but just need to find it as its sold out in uk at the mo or dificult to find