Just a thought on washing technique, at the moment I use the two Bucket method.
I first pressure wash all the dust etc off then wash using two bucket method with Blackfire Shampoo and lambs wool mit then pressure wash again then dry off with microfibre towel.
I was wondering what you guys thought off this
Rinse car off with pressure washer
Snowfoam then use a hose pipe and wash mit to rinse off snow foam the idea being the free runing water would flush any surface grit that may be left more effectively and make it easier than keep rinsing mit in clean bucket and also no need to use Blackfire Shampoo as using snow foam.
Rinse off with pressure washer
Snow foam and rinse again with pressure washer, then go over car with just a wash mit and free runing hose pipe to remove anything that has been missed and then dry with microfibre towel.
so what do you think would this be a good, easier or maybe better than the Two bucket method??
it may be just me but I do like the idea of a constant flow of clean water flushing any grit etc away