First off, the leaf blower. Just didn't work, was quite a powerful one at 2400w but it just didn't really seem to shift the water at all so i've returned it.
As for the cleaning side of things today, used the typical range of AG products, the shampoo followed by the clay, and then brought inside for SRP and then a coat of EGP, glass polished/dash cleaned with AG Fast Glass and exhaust done with AG Metal Polish.
Just after the clay'ing, my old man popped into the garage to see how things were going and decided to get the mop out so he machined half of the bonnet just to have a play and the results were brilliant, when the weather gets better he is going to give me the training and my car will be getting the full treatment.
Notice the haze around the ceiling light....
After just one quick pass with 3M finesse-it, much higher clarity....
Curing after a coat of EGP...
Buffed up...
And some shots to show off the hard work