The Chaos Engine (Air > Water Cooled)

Damn, ok plugged into the mains, turn on, and comes on for 1 seconds powers things then turns straight back off. Any ideas anyone?
thats a lot of tubing with all those ins/outs from the distro
but you handled it pretty well it looks good
personally i might go with clear coolant but would light up the leds
first to get a better idea
a couple pipes look very slightly off horizontal
not that i am knocking you its better than i could probably do
but some one ocd is bound to mention it
and some of them arent as tactful about how they say things as me
i really like it though :):):):)
Done, it's settuing in BIOS...cheers for that... yeah the pciture doesn't show them straight but they're preety sound when straight on...

Runninfg stress test and CPU is maxing at 54C incredible... this is a 8 core Xeon... used to be 78C on air...



The BIG question I now have is, when I drain off tomorrow, do I stick clear or do I go my original Cryo Green liquid... I'm really 50/50 now as it looks so nice and clean...
good question
the green might make a nice contrast
not a fan of green but thats just my personal preference
if your loop drains easily===and you never know if it will until
you try it you could try both green and clear so which you prefer
never used occt not a fan of torture testing
but just did it out of interest lol
which one is ultimate test?
i used the one says power and also the one says 3d
neither put my gpu over 46--48c
though the power one certainly put cpu temps up
guess with 12 core 3900x thats not a surprise though
good question
the green might make a nice contrast
not a fan of green but thats just my personal preference
if your loop drains easily===and you never know if it will until
you try it you could try both green and clear so which you prefer
never used occt not a fan of torture testing
but just did it out of interest lol
which one is ultimate test?
i used the one says power and also the one says 3d
neither put my gpu over 46--48c
though the power one certainly put cpu temps up
guess with 12 core 3900x thats not a surprise though
yeah I love this white colour it gives BUT I wanted green so, will be leaving on overnight and flush out tomorrow if my stop **** comes hahaha... and just move the temp gauge to where I want it... then that'll be it all done. I've been clocking my 5700Xt and it's boosting to 2170mhz now constant giving a heefty boost to the speed, all is solid. Been chcecking and no leaks...

Yeah the power one mate kills your system if you run both hahaha, serious heat but no more lol.

12 cores... very nice mate... I've stayed old school as I love my x79's... and now got two of them lol

Will do a couple of videos and uplaod to youtube and link tomorrow hopefully!
Yeah did wonder about the placement of
The temperature guage
But if it was there temporarily till you get
A ball valve makes sense now
hahaha, yeah deffo, it was the only way I could fill the loop as I can put a stopper in one side of the temp gauge so I could fill but run a pipe from the bottom so when the stop valve comes will drain, hoping it's here today tbh so I can just finish this but 95% there. Left it running all last night, levels perfect, not a leak anywhere so that's the main thing.
That's why I always get multiport radiators
Being able to fill from the top radiator as well as any reservoir makes life a lot
Ahhh yeah never thought of that good idea... yeah these are just boggo rads tbh.... however, no reason I couldn't upgrade in the future, and as this was my first attempt, didn't want to go mental, all the parts have cost quite a bit in the end, more than I wanted however, the benefit in games now, I can run this 5700XT at 2200/1900 and it boosts to 2260mhz in games nicely with lovely temps... you forget that the modern cards throttle with heat etc... so now it's down... it seems to love it. I edned up with a 5700XT Anniversary edition which is very nice, reference but got a gold line on it and a nice box lol. Tap hasn't come today so gonna have to just stick with the ironised water for a few days, no biggie.

However, is there a way to get bubbles out, as stupid as this sounds I wasn't expecting the piping to be white due to sheer bubbles, I thought it would be clear... is this just because there's air in the system, would leaving it off for a few houyrs get rid? not sure as when I look at the water block the drop off for the refilling just creates bubbles as it circulates so looks like don't have a choice... however, I'm thinking if I put the green in, and it bubbles will it looks crap.?
Yeah it shouldn't have so many bubbles
Again multiport top rad helps with that as you can open the port on the top if get 6 port ones
Never used a distro block but is there
No bleed screw or something at the top
Of it?
Normally most bubbles would come out if using a standard reservoir
I tend to run the pump at max to shift bubbles
Right got rid of most of them, it's a control of the pump, blast it then low to push bubbles to top of the waterblock, then blast and slow again, took about 30 minutes but getting there, just finishing it now rofl Yeah, ti's more difficult with this water block, very tight as well. Could do with a feeder with the steam punk end on tbh make it a little more accessible...

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